★★★【美剧】【好莱坞女孩 The Hills】【真人秀】【第1季10集全】
(2010-01-31 21:04:09)

首播时间: 2006年05月31日
《The Hills》是美国MTV台《Laguna Beach》一剧的续作。讲述了Lauren Conrad和她的三个好友高中毕业后告别Laguna Beach来到洛杉矶念大学,她们一起住在景色优美的好莱坞山区(The Hollywood Hills)。而且Lauren还在时尚杂志Teen Vogue得到了一个实习的机会。不过在这个大城市里面学习和生活并不像想象的那样简单,女孩们长大了,比以前更聪明,而且现在是单身。面对着学习和工作上新的挑战,以及学校里的新男孩们让她们很难选择,她们慢慢发现即使是友谊也不是理所当然的。
THE HILLS follows Laguna Beach's Lauren "LC" Conrad as she moves to L.A. to attend college at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. In THE HILLS, Lauren gets a job as an intern at the popular magazine Teen Vogue. The show focuses on the challenges Lauren faces while she is trying to juggle work, school, and relationships.