x潇潇 (热门博主)
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(2012-04-03 10:49:54) 下一个
  女儿小时候,在上海市场买了一只豹子皮的小提包,扮成贵妇人,背着它高高兴兴地招摇过市。小姨见那小包鼓鼓囊囊,偷偷打开看,裡面是美国带回去的一捲卫生纸,笑得喷饭。现在中国流行讲究名牌,穿的、背的都要是名牌,走在街上望着那些晃来晃去的名牌包包,我总渴望打开看看,究竟裡面装着什麽金银财宝? 。。。。。。。。。。。


(本文刊登于3/27/2012的世界日报 家园版。感谢你的阅读。)
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石假装 回复 悄悄话 的确,包不能太好。我同学也有过类似的体验。后来她换了好包,丢了后再也没有找回来。
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 回复加州花坊的评论:
加州花坊 回复 悄悄话 我的相机丢在饭馆三个月,再去的时候老板娘还给了我。我根本忘了在哪儿丢的。
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,真是老到连儿童节也不知道了,皆因仍然没有孙儿之过,
大家都保留一颗纯真的童心 ,不用了,已经返老还童了.

x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 回复花甲老翁的评论:
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 请问玫瑰,六一节是庆祝什麽的,先谢谢.
白玫瑰花 回复 悄悄话 问好潇潇!多出好文啊!~~
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 回复tenyu的评论:
白玫瑰花 回复 悄悄话 问好潇潇。祝六一节快乐!~~
tenyu 回复 悄悄话 潇潇来看看你,盼望你的好文章再展现给大家!
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 回复tenyu的评论:
tenyu 回复 悄悄话 写的真让人感动!在这里见到露露更让人高兴!
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 回复露露花语的评论:
露露花语 回复 悄悄话 对不起潇潇姐,俺来晚了。



biaochen 回复 悄悄话 好文!很真实!幸好你记得把钱包丢在了哪里。几年前,我出差经上海去南京,刚上火车找到座位坐下,发现随身携带的背包不见了!那背包里有除了护照和钱包以外我所有的家当。这背包丢得我两条腿都软了。我想可能把它拉在了车站。于是,赶紧下车报失。上海铁路分局三处找到了帮我拿行李通过安检和在贵宾厅一直和我在一起的旅客,还打开了站台的录像,最后发现在我上车时,背包还在身上!三处与列车长联系,终于在车上找到了我丢失的背包。原来,我上车时把背包顺手放到了别人的座位上!
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 谢谢五兄弟,bymyheart ,欢迎好朋友,常常来我家坐坐,喝茶,聊天....
五弟五哥 回复 悄悄话 你的朴实带给你实惠,呵呵。
bymyheart 回复 悄悄话 问好潇潇,福兮祸兮呵呵:))写得好。
x潇潇 回复 悄悄话 谢谢支持和鼓励!我们生活在美国还是很幸运的。
丽雅 回复 悄悄话 潇潇文笔总是那么流畅又亲切,把生活中的点滴顺手拈来,又是洋洋洒洒的一篇。


不胡扯 回复 悄悄话 在美国,好包也不会丢的。 女儿在哈佛广场忘记了她的摄像机,一个
钟头后,还在饭桌上放着。 太太在路边店吃饭, 忘记了她的Dior包。开车几十英里后才想起来。店员将包还给她。
dan 回复 悄悄话 回复erdong的评论:

yes erdong. that's it. thanks for the picture.that place is well known.
prettymama 回复 悄悄话 好文。
我从不买什么名牌包给自己。实用才好。我最爱我的布包包。9个Compartmemt,Heavyduty Belt。尿片都能放好几个。
erdong 回复 悄悄话 回复dan的评论:
erdong 回复 悄悄话 小文亲切感人,"真正的幸福不一定需要华丽的外表来装饰",说得真好!
dan 回复 悄悄话 Interesting posting!

There is this small, if not tiny Cantonese restaurant called 灣仔 on 常熟路. I have lots of stories in this tiny little place but here is a true story...

My dad was having a surgery in 五官科医院 two years ago. To him, cash is the king and he is such a man that believes you need to bring a stack pile of caches to the hospital. In his word - "you never know", "just in case".

Anyway after he went into the surgery room I was left in charge of his non-descriptive plain ol' duffel bag. Inside there was all his medical records, hospital prepaid receipts, stuff, and about 20,000 RMB. So, with the duffel bag in my hand, I went to 灣仔 for lunch, because it was very close distance and I always liked the place.

Fast forward a few hours, I was in a very good mood and why not? I had a good meal and left the restaurant around one in the afternoon and called a cab to my favorite foot massage place near 中山公园. Frankly, after three hour-long massage session I felt great, the streets were wonderful, the girls on the streets were lovely and my feet felt way lighter:-)

Then suddenly, I felt something not right, it wasn't suppose to be this light with my hand. By then I realized that I had lost the dufflel bag!

Now I am not the kind person who easily gets panic, okay okay it's easy for me to say that now but whatever. I calmed my nerve and gathered my wits. I jumped in a cab and told the driver to go as fast as he could to the restaurant, for that was the only place I felt I might left my bag.

I thought about to call the place ahead to ask if they'd placed my bag in their lost-and-found but you know the deal with Shanghai. 10+ million souls and 99.9% of them were money hunger, it was wise not to alert anything, so I thought.

Long story short, the second I walked into 灣仔 I immediately looked at the seat where I sat earlier. And, my poor little blue duffel bag, sat there lonely looking at me.

That was a lucky day in anywhere, let alone in a hustling and bustling town like Shanghai. It was almost unheard of rare.

Oh did I tell you that old duffel bag belong to my mom and she used it all the time in her late years, before she passed away to cancer?

Say whatever you like, it's my belief that mom was looking after me from the above in that shining summer day...

Thanks for sharing, take care.