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上个星期终于克服懒惰去参观了苏士比拍卖行 Sotheby’s 的一个特展:“Treasures From Chatsworth”. 朋友告诉有一段时间了。就是因为就在家门口,几乎天天经过,却一直没有推门入内。 那天下午早下班,阳光灿烂之晴空下,觉得有心情和闲情了,终于在跨进家门之前先拐进了苏士比。
Chatsworth House 是英格兰贵族 Cavendish 家族自16世纪起拥有的家产,以精美的建筑设计及丰富的艺术收藏闻名。看展览中家族自拍历史短片,感叹贵族的传统可不是能一蹴而就的,几个世纪传承至今。从 Wikipedia 里的介绍此家族:
The Cavendish family is a British noble family. The Cavendishes have been one of the richest and most influential aristocratic families in England since the 16th century, rivalled in political influence perhaps only by the Marquesses of Salisbury and the Earls of Derby. They are descended from Sir John Cavendish of Cavendish in the county of Suffolk (c. 1346–1381), and their numerous peerages included the Dukedom of Devonshire, the Dukedom of Newcastle, the Barony of Waterpark in County Cork and the Barony of Chesham in Buckinghamshire. The head of the family is Peregrine Cavendish, 12th Duke of Devonshire, whose seat is Chatsworth House, one of the grandest private homes in the world.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavendish_family)
美国总统肯尼迪的姐姐 Kathleen Agnes Cavendish, Marchioness of Hartington (née Kennedy; February 20, 1920 – May 13, 1948), also known as "Kick" Kennedy, 嫁给了该家族的 William John Robert Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington (10 December 1917 – 9 September 1944)。
#1,2,3 取自网上截图:
Cavendish 家族介绍
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Salt on the newspaper
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