
show me the money

(2009-12-13 18:01:48) 下一个
" Darling, I love it when you talk money to me."
"oh, I am so glad we are having this chat"
" from now on, my dear, no secrets between us"

If you are waiting for these coming out of your husband/boyfriend, you are pushing your luck. If you are still in the phrase of dating, one thing guarantees to freak out your lovy-duvy boyfriend is to sit him down and pop out this question: where are we? which direction is our relationship going to?If you are married for a while, the toxic topic which might be explosive in the current economic limit is how is our finiancial situation? how did you spend our money? We women are always baffled by the mistory how an innocent question like this can be so powerful that men act like a cat with its tail on fire. If you are not a drop-dead gorgeous girl,please consider you really hit the lottery when your boyfriend tells you all the time that he cannot wait to marry you so that he can spend his rest of life with you.

And after you do tie the knot with this guy, the romance somehow fades away, you will find that your marriage is not that different from the floppy couples' next door.My mum once told me that she rarely had any money-related arguments with my dad in their marriage, which is extrodinary in my eyes, espectially considering the harsh economic climate in China back to 70's and 80's. It also embarrasses me as I hav had some fights with my husband because of money issues. It is not because we are short of money, but we do have issues about how to spend our money, which I assume that the differences in culture, upbrings and genders mainly contribute to. I never realized money can play such a critical role in marital life.

I received a disturbing phone call from a friend,whose family we met during a vacation a couple of years ago, telling me that his wife of 34 years was divorcing him. I was stunned by this terrible news as both of them are reall nice people, the best southern folks you can find,and they looked really happy and content with each other. Their marriage fell apart, he said, because of their financial problems. This recession hit him as a small business owner so hard that he was bankrupt eariler this year, which depressed him so much that he became suicidal.Eventually the stress took a roll on his marriage and his wife just moved out and filed for divorce.

Somebody might argue that as partners, you are supposed to stick together trough thick and thin, but I understand how hard it is to live with somebody who is so depressed and miserable that you feel your own life has been sunked into his emotional black hole. This kind of living hell can really drive anybody crazy.

One of the hot topics hit national headline is Tiger Woods'sex scandal,which is a goldmine for all the tabloids. In my opinion, the biggest mistake Tiger made is that he was married way too earlier. If he were single, he certainly could have screwed as many women as he wanted without getting himself in trouble. The news said that Tiger was a wild party animal before he was married and his wife was aware of it. It is out of my comprehension why a person with so much money and high reputation,which not doubt can help hime getany woman he wants, would be bothered to get married. Marriage is a contract that you sign for lifetime commitment and sharing,a legal documents bearing such a deadful power once you breach it there is serious consequence you have to face.

One thing is sure that you cannot live a double life expecting the whole world will keep a blind eye upon it. Obviously Tiger never though that he could getcaught and humiliated in front of the whole world.How stupid and arrogant a celebarity like him can be? The truth will ALWAYS come out!! one way or another.what will a woman do when she find out the whole prince and princess living-happily-after fairy tale is a disillusion? well, I bet she will grab as much money as possible!!
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