

(2009-12-13 14:53:13) 下一个

I have been surfing this website for almost 4 years, what started seemly a harmless 30-minute escape from my tidious and stressful office job, then evolved unexpectedly into sort of addiction. Now I found myself glued to my desktop hours after hours almost everyday reading interesting or most of time, nonsense blogs or stupid novels in this websit, and wound up really depressed at the end of day, feeling wasting my life away.

After many fruitless efforts of trying to quit, it strikes to me that I might  be able to bring some positiveness out of  negativeness eventiually. I for long want to do some bloggings, so it can be my daily meditation and footmark of my lifetime journey, but I just put  it off for ever, I assume that deep down I was intimidated by the possibility of  the exposure of private life and thoughts will cause some hustles, even though I am sure that nobody really cares who I am and what I say, what I do in my obscure life. What's more, it will be a great bonus if I can make some friends here.

So, here I am.

With regards to the reason why I am writing in English instead of chinese, simple because I want to improve my writing skills.

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