【Personal Profile】
Major job skills:- Journalism: Written and spoken fluency in English and Mandarin Chinese;
- Interviewing, News reporting, Facts checking, Summaries, and Feature writing,
- Multimedia Bloggering;
- People skills, networking and building connections.
Equipment and Software: 
About me:
【Recent Focus】目前主要活动及兴趣:
- 筹备Hamilton 地区华商俱乐部,
- 提高移动性办公的能力,能在大范围地区移动办公,
- 提高应用 Internet 技术,
- 新闻双语采写,摄影,录音,及 E-commerce 手段的能力,
- 在大多伦多地区 及以外地区,以华商为主要市场群,
- 提供 “Business Solution” 和 “Business Development"
- 观察,研究,开发客户,发现商机。
附录 个人兴趣作品 链接
Coming soon

Marketer, Journalist, Independent Researcher
【Contact 】
Cell 289 828 0324
email john.just.energy.ontario@gmail.com