Winter tips: how to reduce the energy lost in the winter times.
* Since up to 25 per cent of heat loss is through windows, plastic window covers can help reduce drafts. They can be purchased at most hardware stores.
* Keep window curtains open during the day to allow solar energy into your home.
* Put removable, temporary caulking on the inside of your windows that you can peel off in the spring.
* Reduce the temperature on your thermostat when you’re not at home and overnight. Many new thermostats can be programmed to change the temperature automatically.
* If you have forced air heating in your home, give your furnace a break by having ducts cleaned regularly and checked for leaks. Leaky air ducts can cause distribution losses of up to 30 per cent.
- 利用阳光,简单易行,白天尽量将窗帘拉开,让阳光充分进入室内,使室温上升。
- 将不用打开或不常打开的窗户,用一种可卸除的朔料贴条临时封上,当春季气温上升时,再移去。
- 还有可用一种朔料的窗户封盖则可以减少高达25% 从窗户流失的热能。可向当地家用五金店寻购。
- 当长时间离家, 或入睡之前将室温的温控调至较低的温度。
- 利用新式家用恒温器提供的简单程序也可简单有效做到。
- 如果使用的是热风送温的管道方式,那更应经常检查管道的积尘和补漏,看来老生常谈,但这却可以减少由乘隙泄漏的热能损失,30% 以上热能损失是这样不易察觉,在不知不觉中流失的。

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