(2015-03-03 17:39:20)
星期天早上,很投入的在看柴静的《穹顶之下》,突然右腋下像过电一下窜的疼。我一下就傻了,糟了,是不是到淋巴了,这可怎么办?什么也看不下去了,愣在那里,一摸额头,一身冷汗。突然间,就有种无名火,为什么手术排的这么晚?为什么不能再早一点?扩散了怎么办?打电话, 打电话, 打电话!!!
听着电话那头的声音,听着那些道理,安慰的话,慢慢的静了下来,人好脆弱哦,这个世界还是照原速在转的,不会因为你的病而改变。况且,朋友们,医生们,都在尽力帮我了。摇摇头,在为自己的行为不好意思。现在,手术日期定了。心里也踏实多了。其实, 也不差那几天,还是自己的情绪稳定,才是最要紧的。
和儿子打电话聊天,说着自己的情况,也说着自己的情绪。他告诉我,任何时候,想和他说话就给他打电话,不需要什么原因,上班时间,夜里都可以。他都会听我说的。我说, 你妈妈也不能这么不讲道理啊。我当然不会的。 但他提醒我要注意,尽量把心思集中在自己可以把控的事情上。他说,我知道很难, 但可以走偏了,再拉回来。我想,提的对,应该是这样的,我来试试看。
孩子不容易,新工作,要想上手快,就得加班自己多干,多学。好在他年轻,也没有什么负担,就多干一点吧。听上去干得还挺来劲的。 我也就放心了。
其实,我不觉得孩子回来有太多的用处。我觉得自己就可以了。如果手术后不能做饭, 就事先多做点呗,再买点外卖,就行了。我做过手术,那时儿子还小,恢复期没用任何人帮忙。 但是,老游说还是要他回来吧,照顾妈妈也是他的一个经历。看吧,我总觉得他不顶事,可能是我自己,还不习惯这种角色的对调。这角色对调也太早了吧? 我妈像我这个岁数, 还拳打脚踢呢。我也行,等着,手术完了之后, 也许我可以还是活的挺欢的。随波逐流吧,顺势,也是一种聪明。
心情的震荡还是有的,也别把自己当完人, 有就有呗。平和了就好了。得病也是一种经历。老天爷让你体验,你就体验体验呗。想想自己还可以安心生病,安心养病, 这也是一种福气呢。可不?要是现在,一边生病,还得一边去挣命讨生活,不是更糟?嗯,还不错,哈。
看着桌上买来的一堆新东西,什么spirulina power, flaxseed powder, turmeric powder,...冲水喝?
你的评论中提到的“附近能有采用自己抗原,手术后进行免疫治疗的话,会更好的。”是否指“CAR-C 免疫疗法”? 我所知道的是:
“CAR-C免疫疗法全称是Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Immunotherapy,嵌合抗原受体T细胞免疫疗法。这是一个出现了很多年,但是近几年才被改良使用到临床上的新型细胞疗法。和其它免疫疗法类似,它的基本原理就是利用病人自身的免疫细胞来清除癌细胞,但是不同的是,这是一种细胞疗法,而不是一种药。“
到了一定程度, 肿块变大,内部坏死,血管裸露,时刻都存在游离癌细胞进入血管以及淋巴管道的机会,导致转移。晚一天,也可能没有任何事情,也可能就多出来一些转移走了的细胞,导致复发可能性更大。
记得有朋友检查出来,直接住院, 被阻止回家拿东西了呢。 紧急情景,越快越好!
你这个例子,很大了。 除了常规化疗等等室外,附近能有采用自己抗原,手术后进行免疫治疗的话,会更好的。
Do you get used with the raw garlic? You can eat the smashed garlic with salad, too. And you can cooking dishes with the garlic. Every thing just add the garlic! Though cooked is not effective as the raw one, but better than nothing anyhow.
William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer ?
关于 Dr. William Li: (http://www.sharecare.com/user/dr-william-li-15)
Dr. William W. Li is an international expert on health and disease fighting based on diet, lifestyle, and treatments that keep the body’s blood vessels in balance. As President and founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation, he is leading a worldwide effort to bring forth revolutionary health improvement emerging from cutting edge medical research.
Dr. Li’s expertise extends across many health arenas including cancer, diabetes, blindness, heart disease, wound healing, and more than 70 other disease conditions. His work has been published in Science, The New England Journal of Medicine, and The Lancet. He is a highly sought international lecturer and advisor, and is known for his ability to predict medical breakthroughs often years before they become realized. His work has been recognized by O Magazine, The Atlantic, USA Today, The New York Times, TIME Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and CNN, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.
Dr. Li is one of Dr. Oz’s diet and disease prevention experts. He created the “Eat to Defeat Cancer” program (www.eattodefeat.org), a healthy eating campaign which now has spread to more than 40 countries.
A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Li received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College, and his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He completed his clinical training in Internal Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
To learn more about Dr. Li and his work, please visit: www.angio.org, and http://www.ted.com/talks/william_li.html