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【(celiac disease)不是 乳糜泻 - 那么是什么病症?】

(2016-06-22 15:29:27) 下一个


celiac -------- 是 腹腔, 腹腔的, 腹腔内的,与 乳糜 风马牛。--- 不少人 以讹传讹。还有讹称:脂泻病,胡来。

celiac disease , 或 celiac sprue ------ 是个俗名,意思是 “肚子病”。是个家族性,遗传性,自身免疫性疾病。是机体对麦类植物里的麸质蛋白 gluten 里的  (gliadin 醇溶蛋白) 过敏而致。主要攻击部位是小肠的小绒毛,主要表现是腹泻,消化不良。


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.  It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide.  Two and one-half million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications.

Celiac disease is an immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat小麦, barley大麦 and rye黑麦.(其实还有 燕麦 等)

image: https://celiac.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/damanged-villi.png

healthy and damaged villi


When people with celiac disease eat gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye and barley), their body mounts an immune response that attacks the small intestine. These attacks lead to damage on the villi, small fingerlike projections that line the small intestine, that promote nutrient absorption. When the villi get damaged, nutrients cannot be absorbed properly into the body.

Celiac disease is hereditary, meaning that it runs in families. People with a first-degree relative with celiac disease (parent, child, sibling) have a 1 in 10 risk of developing celiac disease.

Read more at https://celiac.org/celiac-disease/what-is-celiac-disease/#20qcPC9yGl37YkBr.99



Chyle  ------ 乳糜, 是也。是一种含脂肪微粒 小球状 “油花儿”(如同碗里飘着的~)的乳(奶)样的淋巴液体。正常时流动于淋巴-血液系统,异常时 可破入肠道和尿系,形成乳糜泻 或 乳糜尿。(当然 淋巴小管或大管破漏 fistula 则直接是 乳糜液的 流溢,比如外伤时。) --- 传说 水浒里的公孙胜的血液是白色/乳色的,那不是入云龙的神奇,而是病态。(此乃 题外话~)


乳糜 与 脂肪有关, 与蛋白无关。chyle diarrhea / chyle leak / chylus diarrhea / chylus urine 是乳糜病变。

“肚子病” 或 麦胶/面筋/麸质不耐症 /  麸质过敏症 与特异蛋白有关, 与脂肪不搭嘎。患者多为欧裔,汉人鲜患。






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