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【人乎 神乎 兽乎?】

(2015-08-29 12:57:47) 下一个


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神话里的 神 是永生的,但 希腊神话里 有2个神 是死了的, Pan 潘 是其中之一。

据说 他死于 公元78年~。 潘 是个 半羊半人的 神。是 牧羊神,猎神,野山神,还是个粗土乐神。

医神 Asclepius 阿斯科莱皮雅斯 被大神宙斯处死,是死了的神之二,当然 仅限于希腊神话里。


PAN was the god of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music.

According to the Greek historian Plutarch (in De defectu oraculorum, "The Obsolescence of Oracles"),

 Pan is the only Greek god (other than Asclepius) who actually dies.

(医神 Asclepius 阿斯科莱皮雅斯 被大神宙斯处死)


Pan with a she-goat

Sculpture of Pan with a she-goat, which will be displayed at the British Museum's 'Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum' exhibition.

此大理石雕塑 出土于1752年,近期才公开展览。 

Explicit: This statue of Pan having sex with a goat is one of the obscene statues in the 'Gabinetto Segreto'

The treasures of Pompeii were unearthed in the 18th century, AD 1752.

Bronze winged phallus may have symbolized the Roman deity of fertility, Fascinus


The goat on the left has a short goat tail, but the Greek satyr on the right has a long horse tail, not a goat tail (Attic ceramic, 520 BC).

File:Elihu Vedder - The Pleiades, 1885.jpg




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