弓尒 (热门博主)
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【里根总统在复旦大学的讲演 1984-4-30】 --- 有谁当年听过,记得?

(2014-12-12 12:40:05) 下一个

里根 1986年4月的一次电视演讲

(手边找不到 他 1984年在复旦的视频或录音)

尼克松,福特,里根, 布什父子,卡特,克林顿,奥巴马

老尼 和 老李 的发音最中听

其余几个的 不咋地。

President Ronald Reagan speech at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

President Reagan:

On August 17, 1982, the U.S. and Chinese governments signed a third joint communiqué, in which the U.S. announced its intention to reduce gradually over time the quality and quantity of arms sales to Taiwan and the Chinese promised to strive for a peaceful resolution of outstanding differences with Taiwan.

In January 1984, Premier Zhao Ziyang toured Honolulu, Williamsburg, San Francisco, New York, and Washington D.C. and signed agreements with President Reagan on cooperation in science and industrial technology. Three months later, President Reagan reciprocated Zhao’s visit with a six-day trip to Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian -- the first by an American president since Ford’s visit in 1975 -- and concluded talks on peaceful nuclear cooperation.

In July 1985, President Li Xiannian traveled to Washington, where he and President Reagan signed the nuclear cooperation agreement, initiated a number of new cultural and educational exchanges, and signed a fisheries agreement. Vice President Bush visited China in 1985 and opened the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu.

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