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【豆蔻未及早凋零,明镜慧语映后人: 13岁女孩骨癌离世 镜后密语遗言感人】

(2014-06-05 09:34:57) 下一个

Athena's note shows her determination to stay positive and includes the message: 'Happiness depends upon ourselves... The purpose of life is a life of purpose'Athena's note shows her determination to stay positive and includes the message: 'Happiness depends upon ourselves... The purpose of life is a life of purpose'



'Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story':

Heartbroken family find inspirational 3,000-word secret message

written on back of mirror after daughter, 13, dies of cancer 

  • Athena Orchard died after being diagnosed with cancer in her bones
  • She bravely fought disease for months, undergoing a series of treatments
  • Following her death last week, parents uncovered secret note in her room
  • The message reveals her feelings on life, love and her tragic situation
  • Father says he struggled to read message as it was 'too much'
  • Parents have shared note with world in memory of their brave daughter


国际在线专稿:据英国《每日邮报》6月4日报道,面对病魔,英国13岁女孩阿西娜·奥查德(Athena Orchard)勇敢与其抗争,从不言弃。一年后,阿西娜因病过世,为鼓励家人勇敢面对生活,她在镜子背面留下约3000字的遗言,写道:“重要的或许不是故事是否有完美结局,而是故事本身。”










阿西娜的父亲迪恩·奥查德(Dean Orchard)曾是一名园艺师,自女儿生病后便辞去了工作。他说,第一次看到镜子时,自己几乎晕倒。他说:“女儿从未提过这事,但这确实是她会做的事情。她总会做一些我难以领会的事,她很聪明。”


女孩的母亲卡罗琳·奥查德(Caroline Orchard)是一名全职妈妈。她说:“迪恩曾试着读它,但他立即就哭了。阿西娜是个不可思议的女孩,如此阳光、坚强。”



雅典娜 镜子后面留言 的 全文:

Happiness depends upon ourselves. Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's
about the story.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

Happiness is a direction not a destination. Thank you for existing. Be happy, be free, believe, forever young. You know my name, not my story.

You have heard what I've done, but not what I've been through. Love is like glass, looks so lovely but it's easy to shatter.

Love is rare, life is strange, nothing lasts and people change. Every day is special, so make the most of it, you could get a life ending illness tomorrow so make the most of every day. Life is only bad if you make it bad.

If someone loves you, then they wouldn't let you slip away no matter how hard the situation is. Remember that life is full of ups and downs.

Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about. I want to be that girl who makes the bad days better and the one that makes you say my life has changed since I met her!

Love is not about how much you say I love you – it’s about how much you can prove it’s true. Love is like the wind, you can feel it but you can't see it. I'm waiting to fall in love with someone I can open my heart to.

Love is not about who you can see spending your future with, it's about who you can't see spending your life without... Life is a game for everyone but love is the prize. Only I can judge me.

Sometimes love hurts. Now I’m fighting myself.  Baby I can feel your pain. Dreams are my reality. It hurts but it’s okay, I’m used to it.

Don't be quick to judge me, you only see what I choose to show you... you don't know the truth. I just want to have fun and be happy without being judged.

This is my life, not yours, don't worry about what I do. People gonna hate you, rate you, break you, but how strong you stand, that’s what makes you… you!

There's no need to cry because I know you'll be by my side.



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