希腊火(Greek fire)是世界上最早的火药, 比中国的火药早了五百多年。
火药到底 是 谁, 哪国人,何时 发明的?
余 做了一些搜索整理
有关说法 文献 如下:
首先 希腊火 Greek Fire 不是最早的 火药
现在有说希腊火 大约是 公元672年发明的, 此乃传说, 不是确证
其次,希腊火是火,不是火药, 其实是 石油状的燃烧物质为主的混合物
从 其别名 海火,液态火, “在水里还能燃烧”的特性 足可明鉴!
火燃烧物 其实在希腊之前的 新亚述帝国 早己有了,但 那不是火药!

火药 中国的火药 源自 汉代起的 炼丹术
从公元前的 汉武帝起,
有 汉代的 魏伯阳, 晋代的 葛洪 等炼丹士 化学家等 对火药的问世 有先驱性的贡献(详见下)
Greek fire proper, however, was developed in ca. 672, and is ascribed by the chronicler Theophanes to Kallinikos (Latinized Callinicus), an architect from Heliopolis in the former province of Phoenice, by then overrun by the Muslim conquests. The accuracy and exact chronology of this account is open to question: Theophanes reports the use of fire-carrying and siphōn-equipped ships by the Byzantines a couple of years before the supposed arrival of Kallinikos at Constantinople.
Although the term "Greek fire" 希腊火 has been general in English and most other languages since the Crusades, in the original Byzantine sources it is called by a variety of names, such as "sea fire" 海火 (Ancient Greek: πῦρ θαλάσσιον pyr thalássion), "Roman fire" 罗马火 (πῦρ ῥωμαϊκόν pyr rhomaïkón), "war fire" 战火 (πολεμικὸν πῦρ polemikòn pyr), "liquid fire" 液火 (ὑγρὸν πῦρhygron pyr), or "manufactured fire" 人造火 (πῦρ σκευαστόν pyr skeuastón).
from wiki

History of gunpowder
Gunpowder was the first physical explosive and propellant. Prior to the invention of gunpowder, many incendiary and burning devices had been used, including Greek fire.
The invention of gunpowder is usually attributed to Chinese alchemy, 炼金术, 炼丹术, and is popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China. The invention was made perhaps as early as during the Tang Dynasty (9th century), but certainly by the Song Dynasty (11th century). Knowledge of gunpowder spread throughout the Old World as a result of the Mongol conquests of the 13th century. It was employed in warfare to some effect from at least the 14th century, although the development of effective artillery took place during the 15th century, andfirearms came to dominate Early Modern warfare in Europe by the 17th century.
Chinese gunpowder technology is believed to have arrived in India by the mid-14th century, but could have been introduced much earlier by the Mongols, who had conquered both China and India, perhaps as early as the mid-13th century.
Gunpowder was, according to prevailing academic consensus, invented in the 9th century in China,[4] and the earliest record of a written formula for gunpowder appears in the 11th century Song Dynasty text, Wujing Zongyao.[5] This discovery led to the invention of fireworksand the earliest gunpowder weapons in China.
Chinese taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder.
Emperor Wu Di (156-87 B.C.) 汉武帝 of the Han dynasty financed research done
by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with
the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them.
The alchemist Wei Boyang 魏伯阳 wrote the Book of the Kinship of the T
hree detailing the experiments made by the alchemists.
During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its advantage as a weapon was made clear.
The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.
汉代的《神农本草经》已把硫磺、硝石,列为药材。方士们也开始将硝石等作原料来炼丹——炼制不死之药。汉代《周易参同契》的作者魏伯阳与《三十六水法》的作者就有用硝石试炼丹药的记载。从汉代的魏伯阳到晋代的葛洪,炼丹的实验持续不断,炼丹篇的卷数以千记。长生药是否炼出,人们不大清楚,但却在这过程中发现了如何配制火药。如葛洪的《抱朴子内篇》就有《金丹》、《仙药》两篇,其中就有火药早期萌芽的记录,如三物炼雄黄等。炼丹家并从长期实验中了解到用适量的硫磺与硝石,再混合木炭就能着火、爆炸,炼丹家称此为“伏火法”,这就是火药制造过程中如何着火与伏火的方法。火药制成的时间,不迟于晚唐,公元904年,唐昭宗天复四年,郑璠攻打豫章的军队已使用“飞火”,火药开始用于军事,到北宋火炮、火箭更为普遍。宋人孟要甫所辑的《诸家神品丹法》一书,除收有葛洪《抱朴子内篇》外,还收有孙思邈的《太清丹经要诀》以及今佚的炼丹书与配方。其中无名氏的“伏火硫磺法”,已是火药的明确配方。经过近千年的努力,炼丹家 终于发明了火药制作的方法,魏伯阳、葛洪、孙思邈以及许许多多的无名氏,正是这些为火药的发明作出了杰出的贡献,火药的祖师就是这些炼丹师!
火药 火药是在炼丹过程中发明的,公元8~9世纪,

目前發現記載最早用於戰爭的黑火藥配方是成書於公元1044 年的《武經總要》,
認為歐洲發明證據是「傳說,13世紀時一位叫貝爾托爾德.施瓦茨(Berthold Schwarz)的神父把木炭、硫磺和硝混合在一起,使它們爆炸。」不過德國之聲的馬梯亞斯.海涅文章講:「然而這個故事近年來受到普遍的懷疑,這麼一個人是否存在?即使存在,也不可能叫現代人的這個姓名,那時的德文里,他只能叫Berthold der Schwarze,或者當時拉丁文叫Bertholdus Niger。」這個傳說只見於很晚的文獻。
另一西方發明證據在是英國修士羅吉爾·培根(Roger Bacon,公元1214~1292年)公元 1242 年左右寫的手卷:De Mirabili Potestate Artis et Naturae(論藝術與自然的奇偉力量)。在這本書中,培根用密語記載了一個火藥的配方,不過培根自己很誠實,他表明只是記錄下配方,培根配方從何而來?他的身份也許能提示一點:「牛津大學(和巴黎大學)法蘭西斯派僧侶,阿拉伯系研究學者。曾經長時期在西班牙的穆斯林科學之城托萊多留學,並把他們的科學著作帶回牛津。」培根配方還有一小小插曲,按重量計硝石成份僅41%,性能低下,現代研究者認為培根也許按體積、用匙子計量的,實驗換算下來為硝石58%;硫26%;碳16%,與《武經總要》配方很相近,不過這樣也把培根水平由鍊金術士降為女巫。培根記錄配方後西方火藥的應用還要等到下個世紀。
認為源於希臘發明基本也是一些猜測,如「說火藥是由一個希臘修士 Marcus Graecus(Mark the Greek)發明」,
來自一個後來多次增補的手卷轉載(Albertus Magnus1193-1280),時間上既不可靠也搶不了先。
至於源於印度說法其它國家研究者很難考證的,他們更多的是傳說,也沒有考古上的支持。 有印度人這樣講:「Invention of Gunpowder in India in 8000 BC: Gunpowder was known as Aurbagni,being the invention of Aubra,the preceptor of Sagara and the ancestor of Lord Rama as have been described in the work Nitichiniamani.」 如果是真的誰也爭不過了,他們一萬年前便發明了火藥,也有說Rama時代之前還發明了飛機和原子彈。謙遜一點的印度人講古印度有燃燒粉劑的配方,同時知道nitrum,所以應該發明了火藥,但nitrum同樣是天然鹼(天然碳酸鈉)的古稱,或說印度曾大量出產硝石,但這又是英佔之後的事了,實際上十三世紀印度才出現火藥和原始火器(比歐洲早),十五世紀才出現大炮。用於燃燒的粉劑配方古埃及也有,比如可樂果製成的粉劑,或某些胞子粉,與印度一樣實際上多為魔術藝人祭師使用,基本用法是口噴或手撒,至近代還有使用,如天橋藝人和白族火把節用松香粉,雖現代有改用煤油或汽油的,但沒有火星的效果,這些皆屬粉塵快燃,所以有非洲人也來說:「 gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians (who used the cola nut to make gunpowder). 」,但不含硝石的這些東西來爭火藥發明近乎兒戲。
科学 是实在的东西, 历史必须真实
如果不是中国 中国人 发现发明的,说成是, 那是欺世
如果是中国 华人 发明发现的,硬说不是, 那是罔顾
妄自菲薄 哗众取宠 实在可悲!
历史, 久远的历史,困于当时没有准确地记录下某物某人某事
只能靠后人去 推算 旁证
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