1. Laptop, single 5 min candle chart, 20 bar ema;
2. No indicators!
3. Blinds closed, don't take call, don't watch TV;
4. Ignore the news and pundits;
5. I don't want any distractions or opinions;
6. I am very focused;
7. My Job: take money from your account and put it into mine(that is simply the game we are playing!)
1. 笔记本电脑、 单一5 分钟蜡烛图、 ema(20)均线;
2. 没有指标!
3. 拉上窗帘、 不接电话、 不看电视 ;
4. 不理会新闻和学者;
5. 我不想受任何干扰,不接受分散注意力的东西或建议;
6. 我很专注,突出重点;
7. 我的工作: 把钱从您的帐户放进我的账户 (就这么简单,这就是我们在玩的游戏 !)
AI Brooks的自我介绍:
I am Al Brooks, MD, and I daytrade E-mini futures, stocks, and options for a living.
Wiley recently published my book, Reading Price Charts Bar By Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader, and I have written many articles for Futures Magazine and have been the keynote speaker at several of their online webinars.
I find it entertaining to post here and I enjoy helping other traders but I may not continue it long-term. The members of the site have contracted with me to provide a daily webinar on a month-to-month basis. See this thread for more details on the history of this website.
Incidentally, I make very little off of the book so please do not feel compelled to buy it. I have included the link in case you wanted more information about the book and were thinking about buying it. The book has a lot of information, too much to repeat here, so I often will refer to it on this site even though you may not understand all of my posts without reading the book.
I am not a CTA and therefore need to restrict what I publish on this site. Otherwise, I would have to become a CTA and this is against my minimalistic approach to life. I called the NFA and asked what my limitations are and they told me that I cannot make trade recommendations, I cannot discuss my trades or trading results, and I cannot answer specific questions about particular trades that anyone has taken or contemplates taking. However, I can publish my reading of charts and I can discuss trades and management in general terms.
I enjoy writing and in addition to the trading book and articles, I have published about 30 scientific articles during my days as an ophthalmologist. Back then, my name was Albert Leveille, MD, but I changed it to Brooks because it was just too difficult for my patients, many of whom were elderly. |
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