Cabinets装好了之后,上好了moulding(很花时间), 就是Countertop。Countertop的选择有granite, man-made stones, etc.还是喜欢自然一点,就选了granite.因为cabinet是白色的,所以在选择granite的时候颜色的选择就多了.因为昆间比较小,最后我们决定了下面的石头:

选石头的经验就是一定要货比5-6家.价格的差距很大,同样的石头报价有$35/sf到$80/sf. 还要问清楚sink cutout,edge是否单收费.最后我们的石头大概是$45-$50/sf.都是专业安装,因为石头死沉死沉的,找平也是技术活.
Countertop装完之后就可以把appliances hook up and install plumbing. 以前对plumbing 没有研究,更别说soldiering pipes. 凡事都有第一次,买了book and supply,go online watch some DIY videos, 事事都怕琢磨:


Double Sink: we thought about large single sink but chose double as needs to wash stuff for small children. But there is another benefit that we realized later on - curved cutout looks better. Sink is free promo from the stone guys.

Faucet: Hansgrohe (from, soap dispenser (Kohler, from homedepot). We compared several faucets ranging from $100 to $400 and ended up choosing Hansgrophe. If there is one thing in the kitchen that you need to buy the best available product, it is the faucet. Hansgrophe is one of the best brands out there. Although expensive ($400+), highly recommended. Also some experience buying plumbing supplies from Costco local store, not as good quality and reliable as other stuff.

Sink hookup finished: not as easy doing it first time. Took a better part of a day.

Dishwasher and Frig icemaker hookup: dishwasher was a pain, but learned what the plumbers meant rough it in. Also worth note here that make sure your stone guys drill holes for dish washer if the model doesn\'t have side mount.

Next up: backsplash.Homedepot 有一个新产品是两面胶,专门粘backsplash.虽然贵点,但不用和泥了.这里要提前把outlets往外挪.

把toe kick heater定位装好. This thing warms up the room so fast!

最后收尾工作,paint,additional moulding and patchups. Now look at our new kitchen:

Notice the cabinets for dining room - a tip from earlier using wall cabinets and put them on a base.

Range Wall:

Sink Wall:



Built-in Frig:

Island with wine frig:

Entrance to kitchen: to answer an earlier question on floor transition - install a transitional piece which can buy from Homedepot


Another look:

Happy Halloween: my 5-yr old\'s design.

Now its time to sit back and enjoy some nice wine - for wine lovers who like a big red, this one is of incredible value (a 2008 shiraz from Barossa, AU, $15 bottle but tastes like $50+).