, soap dispenser (Kohler, from homedepot). We compared several faucets ranging from $100 to $400 and ended up choosing Hansgrophe. If there is one thing in the kitchen that you need to buy the best available product, it is the faucet. Hansgrophe is one of the best brands out there. Although expensive ($400+), highly recommended. Also some experience buying plumbing supplies from Costco local store, not as good quality and reliable as other stuff. <br><br><img src=http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SuFNwJ0MqxI/AAAAAAAAFdM/D4_dGFBmLto/s800/DSC_0527.JPG><br><br>Sink hookup finished: not as easy doing it first time. Took a better part of a day.<br><br><img src=http://lh5.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxNxUrvUBI/AAAAAAAAE-Y/6UxOb5c2joQ/s800/DSC_0348.JPG><br><br>Dishwasher and Frig icemaker hookup: dishwasher was a pain, but learned what the plumbers meant rough it in. Also worth note here that make sure your stone guys drill holes for dish washer if the model doesn\)

<br>4. Notice new electric wires and outlet boxes<br><br>Wall B<br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMsFkqxBI/AAAAAAAAEtQ/HBQlluqKR9w/s800/DSC_0077.JPG><br><br>1. old hood vent outlet patched up and insulation added<br>2. 2-inch galvanized vent pipe cut and extension now going straight, similar to Wall A, now 42-inch cabinets can go to ceiling<br>3. Plumbing: changed galvanized pipe to PVC, cut cold/hot water supply line and cap (had to learn soldiering copper pipes on the fly)<br>4. Also new electric wires<br><br>Closer look at the pipes:<br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMq9botkI/AAAAAAAAEtA/7OFZ2j3x2dw/s800/DSC_0070.JPG><br><br>Floor: need careful study on what to use. Will explain in details later. Here added 3/8 plywood exterior grade, screw into wood plank subfloor.<br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMs1ngMYI/AAAAAAAAEtc/SjgpETv50fk/s800/DSC_0080.JPG><br><br>Ceiling: before and after patch up<br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMtDazH1I/AAAAAAAAEtg/rC_K0lWFvmc/s512/DSC_0081.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh5.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMtrlGOVI/AAAAAAAAEts/HP2j9dapejo/s800/DSC_0084.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxM88TnvCI/AAAAAAAAExE/Bf28rRghf4M/s800/DSC_0141.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxNCitsa7I/AAAAAAAAEyY/Se54aCGGwg4/s800/DSC_0161.JPG><br><br>Walls: hang dry wall, spackle, and a layer of primer. Cutting opennings for outlets needs some careful measurement.<br><br><img src=http://lh5.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxMtxp16JI/AAAAAAAAEtw/RmHNDK3QC4E/s800/DSC_0085.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxM8GVRytI/AAAAAAAAEw0/KDQ7Qiui1u8/s800/DSC_0137.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxM8S6huSI/AAAAAAAAEw4/2crG2bJgulc/s800/DSC_0138.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxM9TVKk7I/AAAAAAAAExQ/wzr5LCrueFc/s800/DSC_0144.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxNBgmtc8I/AAAAAAAAEyI/UJ6PxQIkKnI/s800/DSC_0157.JPG><br><br><img src=http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/SsxNB6FS6eI/AAAAAAAAEyM/gHAvPCy2xGY/s800/DSC_0158.JPG><br><br>下次再讲讲对地的研究<br><br>To be continued.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>)

 wall oven, rundown dish washer, wornout plastic sink, old plastic floor thats no longer clearnable...needs more countertop, storage space, most of all, the cooktop is half working....Time for a complete do-over!!<br><br>First step is to research, pick out cabinets and design the space. We tried three places. Went to HomeDepot first, decide on colors and styles. The designer was half helpful but gave some good tips on where to put range, etc. When we got the price quote, we are looking at $10,000 - $15,000 for a quality cabinets. Also tried local distributors that service contractors, quality is better than homedepot but still within the same price range. We checked out Allwoodsfast from Costco.com, although lack of bells and whistles, only $7000-8000 for some good quality cabinets. The Costco designer was experienced too. A few conference calls later. Below are the design and effects:<br><br><img src= http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/Stds6z25XmI/AAAAAAAAFUk/0iOQHBBebYM/s720/Kitchen Rev Floor Plan.jpg><br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/StdtDtFZQtI/AAAAAAAAFUs/F97AhAJJASY/s912/Kitchen Rev Range Wall.jpg><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/StdtDnYymCI/AAAAAAAAFUo/Mhe0D_C38c8/s912/Kitchen Rev Island Back.jpg><br><br>Looking back, a few things are very important at this step. First the measurement is critical. Make sure follow the measurement guide closely and leave enough space for the cabinets (you can always fill the gaps with fillers). Secondly, careful planning of plumbing and electric. Make sure where you want the sink and range, frig, and other appliances, what to do with heating, how to handle vent (esp. chinese cooking), etc. We had to make a few difficult choices:<br><br>1. Getting rid of radiant baseboard heat, replacing with toe-kick heater<br>2. Knock out a closet, leaving more space for a pantry<br>3. Knock out sofit, have 42inch cabinets to the ceiling.<br>4. Move hood from wall to outside to a different wall, need to change vent through roof<br>5. knock out half wall, replace with cabinets<br><br>From design point of view, these are good choices but we had quite a few surprises during demolition.<br><br>To be continued.<br><br>)
 wall oven, rundown dish washer, wornout plastic sink, old plastic floor thats no longer clearnable...needs more countertop, storage space, most of all, the cooktop is half working....Time for a complete do-over!!<br><br>First step is to research, pick out cabinets and design the space. We tried three places. Went to HomeDepot first, decide on colors and styles. The designer was half helpful but gave some good tips on where to put range, etc. When we got the price quote, we are looking at $10,000 - $15,000 for a quality cabinets. Also tried local distributors that service contractors, quality is better than homedepot but still within the same price range. We checked out Allwoodsfast from Costco.com, although lack of bells and whistles, only $7000-8000 for some good quality cabinets. The Costco designer was experienced too. A few conference calls later. Below are the design and effects:<br><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/Stds6z25XmI/AAAAAAAAFUk/0iOQHBBebYM/s720/Kitchen%20Rev%20Floor%20Plan.jpg><br><img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/StdtDtFZQtI/AAAAAAAAFUs/F97AhAJJASY/s912/Kitchen%20Rev%20Range%20Wall.jpg><br><img src=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XBN_jeLz2W4/StdtDnYymCI/AAAAAAAAFUo/Mhe0D_C38c8/s912/Kitchen%20Rev%20Island%20Back.jpg><br><br><br>When I look back now, a few things are very important at this step. First the measurement is critical. Make sure follow the measurement guide closely and leave enough space for the cabinets (you can always fill the gaps with fillers). Secondly, careful planning of plumbing and electric. Make sure where you want the sink and range, frig, and other appliances, what to do with heating, how to handle vent (esp. chinese cooking), etc. We had to make a few difficult choices:<br><br>1. Getting rid of radiant baseboard heat, replacing with toe-kick heater<br>2. Knock out a closet, leaving more space for a pantry<br>3. Knock out sofit, have 42inch cabinets to the ceiling.<br>4. Move hood from wall to outside to a different wall, need to change vent through roof<br>5. knock out half wall, replace with cabinets<br><br>From design point of view, these are good choices but we had quite a few surprises during demolition. <br><br>To be continued.<br><br><br>)
 wall oven, rundown dish washer, wornout plastic sink, old plastic floor thats no longer clearnable...needs more countertop, storage space, most of all, the cooktop is half working....Time for a complete do-over!!<br><br>First step is to research, pick out cabinets and design the space. We tried three places. Went to HomeDepot first, decide on colors and styles. The designer was half helpful but gave some good tips on where to put range, etc. When we got the price quote, we are looking at $10,000 - $15,000 for a quality cabinets. Also tried local distributors that service contractors, quality is better than homedepot but still within the same price range. We checked out Allwoodsfast from Costco.com, although lack of bells and whistles, only $7000-8000 for some good quality cabinets. The Costco designer was experienced too. A few conference calls later. Below are the design and effects:<br><br><img src=http://picasaweb.google.com/hanfeng1/KitchenDIY#5392898836408131170><br><img src=http://picasaweb.google.com/hanfeng1/KitchenDIY#5392898989208715986><br><img src=http://picasaweb.google.com/hanfeng1/KitchenDIY#5392898987679455266><br><br>For DIYers, a few things are very important at this step. First the measurement is critical. Make sure follow the measurement guide closely and leave enough space for the cabinets (you can always fill the gaps with fillers). Secondly, careful planning of plumbing and electric. Make sure where you want the sink and range, frig, and other appliances, what to do with heating, how to handle vent (esp. chinese cooking), etc.)