
油画中派-国画欧派2009-05-25 17:30哲艺宏天靠努力.宇宙能运万彩齐.江山美好人性灵.宏宇大气艺天地.艺豪全心刻苦笔.彩墨油笔刻仙趣.山水花鸟人性具.丑恶贪黑阴邪气.忠义友善人心里.哲人油画中派具.国画西派更情趣.飘逸泼洒宣纸奇.心刻大宇艺心迪

Eu,Dr.Alex Wu

(2009-09-29 02:26:50) 下一个
Himalaya QiGong (Ⅱ)

14 .Experiences of my Patients

In the course of years I have treated countless patients in China, Tibet and the Netherlands. Many of them became Qi Gong students and personal friends with whom I still keep in contact. Probably because my mode of treatment in Western eyes was quite unorthodox and the results striking, most of my patients were willing to record their personal experiences. A number of these experiences follow below.

Brain infarct

‘Our mother, a 74 year old woman full of vitality and will-power, was hit by a severe brain infarct in April 1995. The consequences for body and spirit appeared disastrous: a fraction of a second was apparently enough to leave a devastating trace. We spent days and nights at her hospital bed. The treating neurologist prepared us for the worst. Even if our mother would return from the twilight between life and death, her brain would have sustained an irreversibly heavy injury. Even so, our mother returned. She returned however to a world that was strange and only to a very small degree accessible to her. Her body was completely paralyzed on the right side and her verbal faculties had partly vanished. After her situation had stabilized somewhat, she was moved to a nursing-home, something previously unthinkable to both her and us. The family drew up a time-table, so that three times a day somebody familiar with her would be there. Speech therapists and physiotherapists tried to re-activate lost faculties. Her emotional condition improved somewhat. But not the physical condition. Life in a wheelchair seemed inevitable.

A good friend told me about Qi Gong lessons given by Alex Wu in the Netherlands. As I am convinced of the positive effects of Qi Gong on body and spirit, I decided to register. Already after a few lessons I realized that I had found what I was looking for. In consultation with my husband I decided to tell Alex Wu about my mother in law. We wanted to know if he could do something for our mother. Alex told us that he has been able to help many people hit by a similar fate, with a combination of acupuncture, Himalayan herbs and Qi Gong. When we discussed this with our mother she immediately seemed open to this. Western medicine was at its wits’ end here, and according to the medical specialists it was unrealistic to hope for further recovery.

Already after the first treatment by Alex a clear improvement could be noticed. In the otherwise so dull eyes of our mother a fiery shine appeared. After the third treatment she again could open her hand, which for a year had been cramped into a fist. Five until then paralyzed fingers could be stretched anew and folded with the fingers of her healthy left hand. The physiotherapists were puzzled. After two more treatments our mother was able to lift her paralyzed leg. First a few times, then several times after each other. The physiotherapists could not believe their eyes and spoke of a spasm, an uncontrolled reflex. But this ‘spasm’ was in fact a very consciously directed and controlled movement. Every day anew. Standing is getting easier all the time for our mother and soon we are at the

point where the first steps can be taken. An incredible development for someone who thought never to be able to walk again.’

Stomach complaints

‘I came to the doctor Alex Wu when I got stomach problems. Although I knew something of Qi Gong, I had never been treated with it. Alex Wu started to meditate and I relaxed. We both concentrated on one source of energy. I saw white light around Alex Wu. The light surrounded him and especially his hands radiated white light. As he put his hands on my stomach, I felt an enormous heat growing there. As the treatment continued my stomach made an enormous noise. Emotions blocking my stomach energy, dissolved. The blocked passage was open again. I felt that the energy moved from one point of my stomach to another. The stomach of Alex Wu started to clamor, as if the problems moved from my stomach to his. After this treatment I felt very relaxed and my stomach had an afterglow of the heat. Subsequently I got a moxa treatment every evening for a week, activating and stabilizing the natural flow of energy. My stomach problems had dissolved and disappeared like snow under the sun.’

Lung complaints

‘Last year I caught a cold. I took all kinds of homeopathic medicines, but when I left for my children in California, I still had a bad cough. Home again, I consulted with my family doctor, who prescribed antibiotics and a cough syrup. As my lungs produced a strong noise, photos were made. These showed some changes but for the rest yielded nothing. I got Ventoline and Becotide to inhale. This helped some, but the Becotide gave me a sore throat, so I stopped with it, and my chest still felt oppressed.

In the beginning of this year I consulted Alex Wu. I got herbs and participated in the Qi Gong exercises. After a few weeks I really felt better, my cough was gone and the tightness

of the chest had disappeared. Some time later I again left for California, with the pills Alex Wu gave me in my luggage. I had a fine, peaceful holiday. Back in Holland I continued with the Qi Gong exercises and the herbs. My cough was completely gone and I was full of energy. Three months later I stopped with the herbs but did carry on with the exercises. After a few weeks the cough and the tightness returned. Again I started to take the herbs and subsequently the complaints have diminished. The lungs however were still not all right.

With the full agreement of Alex Wu, two months later I consulted with my family doctor, as I wanted to have another lung photo taken. My family doctor was surprised about the improved condition of my lungs: there was hardly any more noise.

A month later, by now it was begin October, I again caught a cold, which resulted in a severe bronchitis. I had a fever and felt very ill, so I asked my family doctor to come and visit. He prescribed the same medicines as before, which I had not taken. Further I got antibiotics and a remedy against slime formation. In the meantime the results of the photo were known: to the surprise of the family doctor the lungs appeared to be clean. There still was a spot needing attention, in view of the risk of asthma or emphysema. As this prospect is not very appealing, I now use the remedies prescribed by the family doctor, but as soon as possible I shall return to Alex Wu.

By now I have understood that I should follow the advice of the same tenor of both doctors: not to demand too much of myself and not go outside with strong wind.’


‘Twelve years ago my splint-bone and shin-bone were shattered and the tibia-plateau was broken as a result of a car accident. After a clever operation at the University Hospital of Amsterdam, six months later I could walk as before. Three years ago I broke the ankle of the same bone and this too was successfully healed.

Some months ago I asked too much of my leg during a removal: it was swollen and hurt, and I had difficulties to walk. My doctor Alex Wu gave me an ointment to massage the whole leg with. This had immediate results. My legs did not hurt any more, the swelling had almost disappeared and I could walk without problem for an hour.’

No taste

‘White on my tongue, sensitive mucous membranes of the mouth and less and less sense of taste. This was the reason to get medical advice. As my family doctor recently had stopped with his practice and I had found no one else yet, my dentist referred me to a dental surgeon. Supposedly I suffered from ‘leukoplacy’. Although the dental surgeon had seen many cases like this, he did not know the cause and thus could not further help me.

By coincidence I read in a magazine and interesting article about Qi Gong, and about the successful application of this method by two American doctors, connected with universities in America. About the same time I received a letter from a befriended couple in America, where they told some things about Qi Gong and of a trip to China with visits to Qi Gong clinics. Intrigued I looked in the Yellow Pages for the address of a Qi Gong doctor. And so I found Alex Wu. He ascertained that the white on my tongue was caused by the kidneys. Consequently first the function of the kidneys had to be improved, and then the sense of taste would also return. I got herbs and Alex Wu advised me to participate in a program of exercises. This I did. The white on my tongue soon disappeared, but the sense of taste only returned much later. First now and then and finally, quite suddenly, completely. Totally this took five months.

Not only did I have a white tongue, palate and insides of my cheeks, but also a burning feeling. My skin was dry, I suffered of eczema and was susceptible to herpes. Also I easily got the flu. Alex Wu discovered that also my liver and thyroid gland were weak.

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