
H1N1 Especially Tough on Children

(2009-11-26 16:27:00) 下一个
Human swine flu is hospitalizing three to four times as many children than regular seasonal influenza, new data from a nationwide surveillance system show.  During the week of Nov. 7 alone, 264 children were hospitalized. "It is causing significant illness in children all across Canada.“ ”We're seeing more children in the 2 to 5, and 5 to 9 age groups than we usually do in a normal flu season," Vaudry said.
全国性监测系统的新资料显示,小孩患人类猪流感的住院人数是一般季节性流感的三到四倍。仅十一月七日这个周,就有264个孩子住院。它正在引起全加拿大范围内孩子的值得注意的疾病。“ ”跟通常的正常流感季节相比,我们看到更多的孩子在 2-5岁和5-9岁的年龄段," 汪锥说。
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