
命由己造,相由心生,世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变。心变,万物皆变, 生命从此改变。

Heaven on Earth 2: 过敏

(2009-08-13 09:15:30) 下一个

When Maggie was 1 month old, she started having severe allergies and eczema. Waking up one morning, I was scared to find blood on her pillow. Only realized later that she had scratched herself to bleeding. It seemed everything caused an allergic reaction, even her own saliva! One day I was changing her diaper, I touched her skin in that area, and suddenly noticed how soft her skin feels. "Oh, this is how a baby's skin should feel like!" I was so surprised to realize that, after getting so used to her rough skin everywhere else on her body.  

So I searched, searched and searched, for treatment, helps, information...

We made lots of adjustment in her daily life and her environment and she was getting better. We found a homeopathic pediatrician who prescribed a cream that worked magically, even though the percentage of steroid in it was the lowest compare to so many others she was given.  

We were very happy at the time. Then a couple of months later I started searching again. Because even though the cream helps greatly, she still suffers from the eczema and she is still very allergic to dairy and artificial chemicals (we ended up in the ER just by going to an amusement park). The ER doctor told us that every episode of allergy reaction was going to get worse and worse. His solution: carry an epi-pen at all times. Instead we found a homeopathic doctor who started her on homeopathic treatment and she was improving gradually.

One day I took Maggie to her preschool. When we got into her classroom, there was a festival mood in the air. A child brought some special treat in to celebrate her birthday with everyone else. Every child in the room was excited, checking out the cupcakes and couldn’t wait to taste them. That is, everyone, except my child. I didn’t have the heart to look deep into Maggie’s eyes and feel her feelings.

So I started searching again. Looked into acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, cranial sacral therapy, and many other healing method. I ended up taking advanced training in hypnosis. By then Maggie has suffered for 3.5 years.

When I got back from training, one day I was thinking about the mind model, how hypnosis works with not only the subconscious mind but also the unconscious mind, which controls our immune system. And it just clicked! I should be able to help Maggie then if hypnosis works with our immune system. That was all it takes! It was for me to have the change in my mind that I can help Maggie with her condition. Never underestimate the influence of the parents.

I talked to Maggie's subconscious/unconscious mind, asked how she feels when she has an allergic reaction. Then asked whether she felt that uncomfortable feeling while she was very little. She said yes. And told me that she felt it when she was in my womb. Bingo! So her condition didn't start after she was born. I then told her that she may not like the taste of dairy so much, she may not like to drink a lot of it at once, but dairy is food, it's not toxic to our bodies. I told her that her body doesn't need to fight it.

And that was it! A switch in my mind and a talk with Maggie's subconscious/unconscious mind. The other day at a party, I was sitting there in tears, so happy, watching her savoring two pieces of cake! Must be a weird scene for other moms. 

The homeopathic cream gave Maggie some relief from the symptom. The homeopathic treatment was teaching Maggie's body to get use to her allergens. Hypnosis actually removed the misconception, the seed of the problem. Once the misconception is gone, the symptoms are gone.

One sunny day, I woke up in the morning, the girls were still sound asleep. I opened up the curtain, and just stood next to their bed, breathing in the sunshine and fresh air, and thinking: there is nowhere else I want to be, than being here, now, with my angels. Maybe this is heaven on earth.

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