

(2010-04-16 06:16:15) 下一个
傅作义部下,卫戍北平.八年抗战, 一直跟傅作打义日本人. 后来促成北平和平解放也有他老家的一份功劳,再后来解甲回乡,又颠沛他乡, 又几经辗转,最终晚景可算是凄凉,也没有在历史的长河里留下一个小浪花。当时发生的事情,可能跟历史书上的记载有一些出入。我上大学的时候每月帮他领工资,或者叫生活费,只有一百来块。

If he had made different choices under many occassions, things would have been dramatically different for him(could be worse too), 但是他老人家心胸豁达,he looked at these things will a very peaceful mind, 军人出身,生活非常有规律,九十多岁去世的时侯还天天读报,头脑清晰,思维敏捷,在文革中也没有受到什么冲击, by staying under the radar, lol...

我几年前看《集结号》就特别有感慨, history only remembers(and rewards) those who survived, in addition to the reward of survial itself.

有时候我都会替他惋惜,but on the other hand, if he had made different choices, 今天这个世界上也许就没有左总了, and ZZ wouldn't have been writing to y'all from Spain today, lol... 所以今天zz的存在,其实是一个非常小几率的事件。As a matter of fact, everyone's exsistance is a very small probability event, as, among many other factors, you had to outswim billions of your fellow sperms to begin with, and the same goes for your parents, your parents' parents, and so on, lol... even the time and place, their movements before, during and after the act matter too. ooops, 扯远了, lol...

BTW,Dr.Z 长这么帅,脑子这么好使, 有外公四分之一的功劳, lol...
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