2010 (844)
2011 (928)
2012 (1456)
2013 (2037)
2014 (3427)
2015 (2074)
2016 (1427)
2017 (1082)
2018 (296)
2019 (168)
2023 (111)
2024 (152)
We come to you at precious surprise
and you leave us without warning
We are so used to flowers brought by each spring
we did not even sigh about the leaves taken by fall
There will always be tree full of greens
as we stare at the bared winter trunks
You must be enjoying the vacation way south
and will come back to fulfill as we guess
The circle you are running around
isn't always clear to us
When our love ones suddenly disappear
we could only see a shrinked spot of you
screeching halt into our tears
why and how dare you pull the trick on us
Then we realize that you are just as fragile
only the you millions live in
give us the false sense taken granted for
Each one of us is a gift of your spirit
our strength adds up to the grant scale
of you majesty
yet each of us has to be so humble
to keep you in us
so we live happily in you