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岁月,可以蚀去碑上的篆文 却磨不掉铭刻在我们心底的眷恋 风雨,可以皴皱大地的额纹 却冲不去溶化于我们血脉中的情感 雁行风杳羽淡 背影尘去足远 漂泊之旅 韵脚,跟我们天涯浪迹 平仄,随我们人生变迁 倚明月窗前 望远岸灯火阑珊 今天,让我们 叠诗为鸽 将炎黄心声,放飞天下 把游子思念,寄回故园
| TO OUR MOTHERLAND Time, could erode the inscription on the monument But it won’t erase the love from the bottom of our hearts Storm, could wipe flat the wrinkles of the land But it won’t dissolve the feeling in our blood Geese migrate with subsided wind and faded feathers Mysterious silhouette disappears in dust-faded footprints Journey of drifting Rhythms of poems follow our tails to the edge of land Ancient tunes breathe with our ever-changing lives Lean against the bright moonlight through the window Overlook the remote shore with flickering lights From now on Let’s fold the lines of poems into pigeons Fly them into sky with songs of our hearts Carry our deepest regard to motherland