2010 (844)
2011 (928)
2012 (1456)
2013 (2037)
2014 (3427)
2015 (2074)
2016 (1427)
2017 (1082)
2018 (296)
2019 (168)
2023 (111)
2024 (152)
Many uncountable events have occurred
before you are ready to be born
Depending on how well you are conceived
or how accidental you happen to come by
You might stand strong
as you join your brothers and sisters
Hopefully you are unqiue
and catchy in the right context
If and only if your parent or doctor
neither change their mind
nor mess you up cosmetically or overmaturely
Your future will certainly outlast them happily thereafter
as long as there are web dwellings
where free lunch is still served
God bless the free lunch and your lucky charm