2010 (844)
2011 (928)
2012 (1456)
2013 (2037)
2014 (3427)
2015 (2074)
2016 (1427)
2017 (1082)
2018 (296)
2019 (168)
2023 (111)
2024 (152)
It is simple to show off the pride
when there is something to take pride
It is hard to swallow the pride
when there is only average to ride
More often than not
that is the everyday forget-it-not
Happy to be alive
Cherish to thrive
ride the tide while you could waterski to success
dodge the tide when the force smashes across
Without much thought, many crossroads were passed
Without enough counts, we are all standing in front of the cross
Pride or not
Humble or not