
爱河鱼饵 (热门博主)
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2018 美军儿子情人节来信 (中英对照)

(2018-02-18 20:32:24) 下一个













My dear mother,   

Thank you.

    As I sit quietly in the office slowly passing by

another Valentine's day, I ponder of the countless moments

of love that you have shared with me in the past 25

years of life. Even those moments of physical separation

I know of the deep longing and care you passed along to

me emotionally by the wind and your prayers.

  Thank you for the many drops of tears you generously

poured out, squeezed from the fruits of joy yet harvested

from the fields of pain and thorns, day by day. Those

drops have nourished and watered a sickly, wilting plant

into a now generously blossoming bloom. Understand that

this bloom's burden is no longer yours to carry nor to care

for. But it is rather for the heavens to water, for the forest

to shelter, and for the bumblebees to dance upon. You need

only to relax in the grass and peacefully enjoy.


    Thank you for the wise words and

lessons you've passed on to me, since now I may

pass them on to others. Even though your tecachings

were hard they are cherished and held deeply within

my heart. Many mothers love only to the point of

sparing their children pain. Yet you have loved

deeply, above and beyond the limits of your own pain

to equip me with the tools to surpass my own.


    Thank you for the warm and memorable

household, the precious family life you bult with your

own two hands, tirelessly sacrificing yourself for us.

It's a level of excellence and dedication that I will

expect no less of in myself in fostering my own future



    Thank you for the calm pemperance and soft reassurances

when I most needed it, particularly in my lowest seasons.

It was those moments of gentle attention that has helped me

grow and become a man.


    Always know that whenever I fail and

displease you or bring you grief and sorrow

I hurt more within, out of a desparate need to

please and seek your approval. I am blind but

try so hard to see the colors you paint for me,

deaf but listen with all my strength for the song

you sing for me, lame but so eager to move

to the rhythm of the dance you perform for me.


Someday I will feel the dried paint, see the sheet music,

and hear the sound of some footsteps. And I will try again...




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Dalidali 回复 悄悄话 回复 'texasnewyork' 的评论 :
这里牛人多啊! 西点一定要去上啊!
texasnewyork 回复 悄悄话 儿子在西点是啥专业?我女儿刚被录取,还在考虑,请指教!
zhiyan 回复 悄悄话 好妈妈, 好孩子!
Californian 回复 悄悄话 翻译的似乎比英文版更有文采。
yaya2007 回复 悄悄话 太感动了!有这样的好儿子,妈妈可想而知了!