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LVS/MGM翻倍我的任务完成,和我对市场的看法 (and DRYS,ABK,ETFC┅)

(2009-09-16 19:52:33) 下一个
Investor777 (09/16/2009)

Summary of the stocks I called:
LVS/MGM, I called it long time ago and called it again and again on DQ many times, today they have all doubled. (e.g., one is市场尚未疯狂,更疯狂的在後面,这2支股票将翻倍! another is浅论3大金刚,1匹灰马(已上升32)2位赌神)

My task finished. Now we have no LVS/MGM left, it is up to you to sell or not. If you made money, please share your joy with us. They have engulfing down pattern with super huge volume today, I suspect MMs will use bad news or downgrades to beat it down. Too many individuals holding them, MM’s cost went up dramatically, also for profit taking they must dump it. Or, they could push it higher again after shakeouts. In anyway, it is too risky to buy them at this level. Do NOT buy a stock when it just starts to going down! (It is a deleted post on DQ, but Google has a cache of it. Also it is on my blog)。

How to short LVS / MGM?

For those who shorted LVS/MGM at high today, great job. Just put a stop at the top of today’s high and ride it, you should make some good money too when LVS/MGM went down, lock your profit at the retracement/support levels below.

Support/Resistance (LVS)
Type Value Conf.

supp 18.16 4
supp 15.71 3
supp 14.99 3
supp 13.78 8
supp 11.52 5
supp 10.79 4
supp 10.30 2
supp 9.52 4

CPST, re-entered again at 1.40$ today.
ABK/ETFC hold.

Regarding shippers:
I have some free DRYS shares at 4.25$, I entered some DRYS again at 6.57$; I added more today. DRYS support level should be the 7.1$ area.

My take on the market:
Too many professional traders and institutions missed out this rally. Or even worse, they went short. And there have been many new individual investors joining the market everyday. So short squeezing is still happening. For all those want to short, be patient. I want to short too, but please wait for the right moment. Friday OE is critical, let us see what will happen then. It could have two scenarios:
1. Too may puts, they will keep pushing it higher.
2. Too many calls, they will beat the market down hard.

My blog talks about how to short also.

Thanks all for your support.



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