This was probably one of the most exciting experiences in my short photographer "career."
In April 2009, I was invited to be a photographer for a group at a Houston Rockets game. I received a photographer badge, which meant that I was able to sit on the floor of the actual basketball court, like the professional photographers. That was an awsome experience to be able to watch the NBA players, especially Yao Ming, so close. I can see their sweat and almost smell their body "flagrant." I've been to the Toyota Center many times before, but had never been able to take photos on the actual playing floor.
While I was sitting on the floor, I started chatting with two other Chinese photographers sitting next to me. I happened to know one of them. We compared the cameras and lenses we were using. That was the time when I found out that the 100-400mm/4.5L lens I have was very limited for indoor shooting. The aperture is simply not big enough to allow very fast shooting. The other photographer was using a 70-200mm/2.8L but it has limited distance and can cover only half of the court.
Wearing that journalist badge allowed me to walk around the court, like a pro. I was able to move to both ends of the courts to cover both the defensive and offensive movements. For about a few hours, I felt like "some body." That was a special feeling and it was brought by my photography hobby.
The only trouble was that I can't sit on the floor for too long. It hurt my back and rear end like crazy after a while. I had to get up and walk around. The professional video photographers for the TV stations all brought their own "legless" seats on the floor to give them back support. If I did this often enough, I would need something like that as well.















休斯敦职业足球队:Dynamo 大蓝马 摄影的投资与回报,未来的网球明星 奥运(6):比赛现场 精彩的女子体操
尽管我也满佩服姚明作为商人的精明, 懂得在自己最值钱的时候以最高的价钱把自己卖了. 但他不激情的比赛让人调不起兴致,姚明不拥有个性,没有一定的速度,篮板卡位意识淡薄以及第一时间弹跳弱势,在进攻篮板这一块阵地上当然吃亏,看看场上他的失误,哪一次不是让我们如坐针毡,痛苦不堪,心灰意冷?