
MichaelC (热门博主)
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田纳西州景色:烟山国家公园 Smoky Mountains NP

(2011-10-21 20:12:45) 下一个

2011年7月送儿子去Duke上Summer School,顺便去了一次Smoky Mountains National Park。这个国家公园有一大部分在北卡州境内,但是主要旅游设施好像都在田纳西州。如果直接坐飞机,到田纳西的Knoxville更方便。这里的山植被很多,缺乏美国西南部山头的颜色、反光,但以重叠的山峦景色出名。

(1) Clingmans Dome


(3) Roaring Folk






(9) Roaring Folk





(14) 有惊无险,抢拍到一张


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杂家 回复 悄悄话 太美了,照得极好,仙境一般,但很想看到那些激流的清澈景象,可惜都处理成了迷蒙一片。
彦彬 回复 悄悄话 照相技术高,很漂亮,赞一个。
elian 回复 悄悄话 Great Smoky mountains are quite far from Durham, where Duke is located, about 7 hours driving, further than driving down from Indianapolis. It's closer to Atlanta, Georgia and Nashville, Tennessee than from RDU triangle area of NC. I've been there at least 3 times. It was fun touring through the tourist town Gatlinberg, a lot more interesting than the mountains itself. The things memorable about the mountains are the fall foliage and staying at rented cabins overnight. Those log cabins with mountain view, hot tubs and large jacuzzi tubs are unforgettable. The interiors are always uniquely rustic and cozy. Try it!
玉垒关 回复 悄悄话 真美
blueflame 回复 悄悄话 So beautiful, speechless!
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 美极了!