我第二次滑雪是2004年2月在南加州的Big Bear。Big Bear离LA才两个钟头。这就是加州的最大的优势了:往东开可以在山上滑雪,往西开可以在海里游泳。真是得天独厚呀。
(1) On the way to Big Bear.
(2) Near Big Bear
(3) We rented a house at Big Bear. It was a very good experience. Front view from the rented house
(4) Sideview from the house.
(5) Backview.
(6) Front porch.
(7) Houses next door.
(8) "Our" house for now.
(10) The easy slope
(11) The main lift





(18) On our way leaving Big Bear

(19) We passed a lake


(22) Moutains we saw when we were leaving the Big Bear.

(23) Since we went up to Big Bear at night, we didn't see such nice views on our way up.

(29) We were leaving the mountains behind.
犹它州1:圣诞节中的圣殿 犹它州2:Canyons滑雪场 阿拉思家:我为啥爱上摄影? 佛州:圣彼得堡海湾