
MichaelC (热门博主)
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地中海11: 意大利Pisa扫塔 好汉登塔

(2009-08-13 18:42:28) 下一个

“不到塔顶非好汉”-- 地中海六国游之十一

Pisa 正好在Tuscany 地区。据说Tuscany 是意大利最美的农村,我曾在摄影书上看过。从港口 Livorno 坐计程车去Pisa ,沿途风光果然不错,特别是大片大片的向日葵,很可爱,也上相。可惜没有时间停车下来拍。中午离开Pisa前往Florence。FlorenceLivorno港口的路上,司机停了一次,在高速公路旁拍了几,放在这组。可惜那一的向葵都“打烊”了。高速公路走近田野时还摔了一交

Pisa 是 Pisa 斜塔所在地,也是大科学家Galileo 的出生地,英国的大作家Charles Dickenson也来这参观过。

到Pisa 广场后的第一件事是在旁边平房里买爬塔的门票,15 欧元一张。斜塔限人限时参观(好像是每个钟头60人)。早买才能节省等待的时间。我有幸买到了票,也有胆爬到了顶层,有在塔顶拍的相片为证。塔里的大理石楼梯已被踩凹。一走进斜塔,就感觉地不平。站在倾斜的顶层,还真得小心,紧抓着扶手,不敢乱动。很多人爬了一半就放弃了。也有人担心会不会爬上去,塔就倒掉了。我给他们解释,一年前,一家中国公司经过两三年时间给斜塔固定过了,已不再继续倾斜。倒塌的危险也大大降低。

斜塔所在的广场内还有教堂等供参观,但,时间有限,加上来Pisa, 就是奔这斜塔来的。所以,其它都没进去。

(1) You have to look at the tower from certain angle to see the maximum effects of the leaning. From this angle, you'd be amazed by the degree of the leaning. 从这个角度才能最体现斜塔的倾斜度。

(2) Those on the top have the best view. Most people were too scared or don't have the time to climb to the top. They missed one of the most exciting part of this European trip. To me this is truly an Europe experience! I highly recommend it. 如果你来了Pisa却没有爬上这个斜塔,你会后悔一辈子的。

(3) Structurally, I can't believe such a stone construction leaning so much could last so long. 难以相信这座石头堆起来的斜塔已倾斜了近900年,仍安然地立在那。

(4) I wonder if steel was used inside the tower to enhance it but doubt steel was even invented when it was built 1173 as a bell tower. 1173年建这座钟楼时,钢材可能还没有被发明呢。塔内应该没有钢筋结构。

(5a) See the statue on the right? It's a good reference to show how much the tower is leaning. 塔的右边有一个雕塑,给塔的倾斜度提供了一个参照。

(5b) Here is a closeup of the "wolf baby" statue. The bird was not part of the sculpture. “狼孩”雕塑。

(6) People have left their marks on the narrow stairway going up。几百年来,整个塔都留下了人的痕迹。

(7) And they left huge marks on the marble stairs after hundreds of years。大理石楼梯也被踏凹。

(8) From the top of the tower, you can see the highest mountain in the Tuscany country。在塔顶看到的风光:红色的居民楼、黄色的向日葵农田、淡绿色的山峦。

(9) Here is another picture to prove that I climbed to the top of the pisa tower. 这回你该相信我爬上塔顶了吧?右边是同一广场内的教堂。

(10) A horse cart ready for services on the ground after that exciting trip to the top of the tower。爬完楼,看到这马车就想坐一坐。

(11) We saw many sunflower farms that would be great to shoot photos. I made only one stop to one of these farms; unfortunately the sunflowers had already "sunset" when I reached them. Someone told me that these may be matured sunflowers. They didn't have enough energy to face the sun all the time. 从Florence回游轮的路上,我请司机在高速公路旁停了一次,照了几张向日葵农田的相片。可惜,这些向日葵已不再是花了,早已成了果实。

(12) Here is a full view, looking like a group of innocent soldiers. To get close to these sunflowers, I slipped and felt hard walking off from the highway to the field. 在我从高速公路走向这些农田时,摔了一跤。所以这两张相片来之不易。

(13) A full view of the Tuscany countryside, shot from a moving taxi。高速公路两旁的风景太美了。可惜在汽车里只拍到这张较满意的。下次一定来这Tuscany Country小住一次。


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    阅读 ()评论 (6)
    smith34 回复 悄悄话 is the chic in red your woman? or you shot at her coz she has nice back?
    shavignon 回复 悄悄话 good camera and good picture
    biglow 回复 悄悄话 Tuscany steak 很有特色,斜塔上看Pisa小城整洁漂亮。
    zerabook.com 回复 悄悄话 看贴要顶
    泉水 回复 悄悄话 “很多人爬了一半就放弃了。 有人担心会不会爬上去,塔就倒掉了”?very interesting!

    You were there, why you need to be proved??

    闲人Filiz 回复 悄悄话 好看,勾起回忆。