摄影是工具,而不是目的。我在球场上摄影的另一个目的,是用摄影来分析挥杆的技术,以提高自己的球技。这里记录的是我在2009年4月在Shell Houston Open摄的明星们的挥杆动作分解。这里的每一张都几乎可以给我自己的挥杆一些启发。希望爱好高球的朋友也喜欢。
Phil Mickelson 是如今仅次于Tiger Woods的超级大明星。那天他的T time较晚,他迟迟才出现,等他的人很多。他在比赛前和比赛中从不签名。他只在比赛后才签。不知为啥在PRO-AM这种练习赛也如此。他的世界排名经常在第二。
(1) Watch carefully. Phil Mickelson was using a ball-shaped practice putter.

(2) Phil is very well known for his wedges. Here are his swing shots.







(9) Also wedge swing, shot from the front.






(15) This is the swing position that is most difficult for the amateure to duplicate



(18) See what is on the ground: an alignment tool. If the pros use that, we should too.





