
MichaelC (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:


(2009-07-14 05:23:12) 下一个












(1) There should be a way to publish the stats for each user; for example the total number of posts on the forum. Such numbers can be used to "rank" users, which is very common in English forums.

(2) The forum technology seems to be very old. One has to click on each post to see the contents. Most of the English forums now have the entire contents shown on the page. Or at least let the visitors an option to choose how to view them. (Maybe this function is already there).

(3) Again the separation of the forum and the blog is really annoying.

(4) The Cut and Paste functions on creating blogs and editing blogs do not always work properly. When I paste something, it sometimes mess up the entire blog; forcing me to repeat the work. This is especially true for pictures. Very often, I have to reload all the links once I do some cut-and-paste.

(5) On Forums, I don't think it's necessary to 置顶a post until that post falls out of the first page. The whole reason to put a post on the top is to draw more attention to it. If that post is still on the first page, it's not necessary to do that. That way you would give the other posts already on the top more time on the top.

(6) Currently, there is no way to customize the homge pages of blogs. It would be nice to have that function. For example, it would be great to be able to go to the home page with messages automatically displayed from my favorite forums. Currently, one has to check each forum one by one. There should also be an option for a "Greeting" message on the top of each blog home page so that the author can tell the visitors something about how to navigate through the blogs.

Having a way to show "Blog rankings" to list the most popular blogs is a great idea.

(7) There should be a way to view the stats of one's blogs, for example, how many visitors to the blog per day/week/month, which page has the most visitors so far (in the last week/month/quarter/year), etc.

(8) On the comments on the blogs, there should be a link to the home pages of the authors of those comments. Right now, the link for the author's ID is to send them QQH. Most time, I would like to take a look at their blogs instead of sending them a message. I believe most users do the same. Currently, you have to copy and paste that ID to search for their blog, which is too much trouble. For those who don't have a blog, that should be shown on their ID too so one won't waste time searching for it.

(9) Here is another very important stat for each ID: the number of blogs each person has. If that is shown on each ID, it's a very good way to say how much activity each ID has, which is a great way to prevent people from making up too many IDs.







(14)如何让系列文章连起来?发表的许多文章是一系列的,但同一系列的文章发布的时间可能不一样,如何把它们串起来,更方便读者读到以前和以后的文章?现在我的做法是手工在文章后面加Links,但那样很麻烦,出到第7第10篇的时候,就会有很多前面的文章需要Update Links,费时间。我想如果博客有一个“系列”功能,有些类似文章分类,但发表文章的时候自动会在文章的后面加上所有同一些列文章的Links和Titles,而且前面的文章也自动加上以后的文章。那有多好!

(15)应该有更多的办法Customize 博客的Look, style, and feel?


(17)应该有一个这样的功能:Subscription for notices of new blogs for frequent visitors。常来的读者就可以通过Email或QQH立即知道一个作者的最新文章的Title和Link,依次来读博客,他们就不用常靠BookMark的办法来发现有没有新文章。被Subscription的数量将是衡量一个作者博客流行程度的最佳数字。

(18)也许,WXC应该组织一些“Super Users”或“Super Bloggers"为WXC的下一次版面更新提供更详细、全面的建议和Prioritization。



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