
176 Far-fetched

(2010-02-10 19:47:23) 下一个

176 Far-fetched

(PW) unlikely, exaggerated

The possibility of her receiving a full scholarship is very far-fetched.



1. Brought from far, or from a remote place.

Every remedy contained a multitude of farfetched and heterogeneous ingredients.

- Hawthorne.

2. Studiously sought; not easily or naturally deduced or introduced; forced; strained; hence, implausible or improbable.


(dictionary) improbable; not naturally pertinent; being only remotely connected; forced; strained:

He brought in a far-fetched example in an effort to prove his point.


(MW) Main Entry: far–fetched

Pronunciation: ˈfär-ˈfecht

Function: adjective

Date: 1548

1 : brought from a remote time or place
2 : not easily or naturally deduced or introduced : improbable

