
The Butterfly Lovers New Year's Concert

(2010-08-28 17:33:05) 下一个
On January 2nd 2010 I went to the Martha Cohen Theatre to see The Butterfly Lovers New Year's Concert.It was the first time I went to the Martha Cohen Theatre. The place could fit about 468 people in total.There were 3 floors; the 1st floor, the 2nd floor, and the 3rd floor. This time me, my little brother, my mom,my dad, and my grandma would come but not my grandpa. We drove to the Martha Cohen Theatre which was in Chinatown. I saw the Glenbow Museum, the Cantos Music Foundation, Jack Singer Hall, and the Epcor Centre along the way. When we finally got there we gave them our tickets and they told us what floor and what seat number we were supposed to go to. We had to go to the 2nd floor, our seat numbers were from C14 to C18 This concert was organized by the Xiao Ming Music Ltd. Xiaoming Wu was a violinist and the founder of theXiao Ming Music Ltd. He is one of the best violinists in our city, he used to live in Guangzhou, China. butmoved into my city in 1993. Once my mom wanted me to be his student, but I refused since playing theviolin was extremely hard. So I learned piano instead. Soon, when it was 7:30 pm the show began!! There were 6 pieces in the First Half of the program. My favourite piece from the First Half was the 2nd piece which was a Pipa Solo. The song was calledDance of the Yi People. But one strange thing happened... When Nancy Li was playing the pipa mylittle brother was standing up from his seat and stared at her. I think my little brother was in love with her. After the 6 pieces, we had an intermission for 20 minutes. We explored around the whole Martha CohenTheatre. Along the way we saw my parent's friend who was holding a big camera interviewing people!That was kinda creepy... He was about to interview my dad and make him become famous but he didn'twant to lose me and my little brother. Then the Second Half of the program was resumed after the break. Soon, when everybody came back, the show began again!! There were 5 pieces in the Second Half of the program. My favourite piece from the Second Half was the 3rd piece which was a singing solo.The song was called I Dreamed A Dream. But before Michael Hope sang the song he told the story about the Butterfly Lovers 梁山伯与祝英台. Then he sang the song. Then The Butterfly Lovers New Year's Concert ended. It was the best concert I have seen (so far)! 2010年01月04日
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