
Santa's 3 secrets

(2010-08-28 14:21:23) 下一个
Secret 1: Many kids wonder how Santa Claus gets around the world in just one night! It is because hehas a magical machine in his factory that is connected to the earth's core. Using a complicated procedureSanta can slow time down and even stop it! So if you find time slowing down before christmas, your right!It is because Santa Claus is using his machine so he can deliver presents to kids in just one night. Secret 2: Many kids ponder how Santa Claus knows if kids are naughty or nice! It is because he tells his elves to observe kids and see if they have been good or bad. It is kind of like the elves are Santa'seyes. So if you get coal or a present for Christmas, it is because Santa Claus's elves were looking atyou the whole time to see if you are naughty or nice.Secret 3: Many kids question why Santa Claus eats almost everyone's cookies that they left for him!It is because even though Mrs. Claus bakes fresh cookies almost everyday, only the elves get to eat them. Because they have to make every toy for every kid in the world. (well only the nice ones) Thatmean's Santa gets to eat something else, he needs to keep his appetite for Christmas so he can eatalmost every cookie that kids' give him. So if you see that your cookies are gone after Christmas it'sbecause he was really hungry and finally got to eat his favorite thing, cookies!2009年12月25日
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