

(2010-08-26 19:05:42) 下一个
Today was Thanksgiving! I was going to my friends house to have dinner. We were going to go at 3:30 pm, but my littlebrother was sick! We had to make sure that he could go by asking if he was okay, soon it was 4:00 pm. We had tobring the gift to appreciate the host. I helped my mom with the directions. When we got to their house it was 4:30, we were1 hour late! I got in the house and I saw another person, it was my brother's friend! My friend had invited him! My little brother was so happy that he was there too. Me and my friend started by playing Deco Sports on Wii. My brother and his friend played with Lego. We did archery on the Wii, we had to aim the red square at the place we wanted to shoot it. We also did badminton, when the birdie came close to us we had to hit it back. Finally, we did soccer, where we had to move our player and shoot the ball in our opponents net. I turned off the Wii, and we saw that my brother and his friend had made a huge truck out of Lego! My friend's mom gave us some popcorn, my friend also brought us some candy. It was yummy! Soon my brothers sickness came back, he had to lie down on the couch and watch TV. We had dinner, there was dumplings, pig ears, turkey, and juice. It was delicious! We were all stuffed! After dinner me, my friend, and my brothers friend started playing a board game called Cadoo. Our parents were playing poker. In our game, we had to roll the dice to see if it was combo or solo. In combo one of the cards would make you act, draw, or make something out of clay. There were special glasses that let us see the thing we needed to act, draw, or make. If one of the people guess the right thing then they put a token somewhere on the board and the person that was acting, drawing, or making had to put there token on top. In solo the card has a picture and asks you something, the other people use the special glasses to see the answer. If you guess it right then you get to place a token somewhere on the board. If four of your tokens are in a row, column, ordiagonal then you win the game! I won the game because my tokens where in a row. My brother was so tired that he went to sleep. We went upstairs to play on the computer. I went on my account at Club Penguin. We played games to earn coins. Then we went on my friends account to play Webkinz. Her pet on the website was a dog. We played games but we didn't want to wake my brother up. She also bought lots of things for her pet on the website. Then we had to go home. We hada lot of fun and laughs though. We had a great time!!!2000-10-13
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