上周六跟朋友夫妇去采蘑菇,采到了很多鸡油菌和几个牛肝菌(前两天写的采蘑菇一文中有记载)。 今天上午给儿子上了中文课,准备下午去采购一些家里的东西。出门前,老公又改变了主意,说还是去采蘑菇吧。想着老公平时只知道工作,很少有时间跟我们一起活动,既然他有这个意愿, 我更是求之不得。于是就开车先去采蘑菇, 没好意思打电话让朋友带,就自己去了。今天不仅采了一斤多的鸡油菌,采到一个牛肝菌,还采了一斤Craterellus tubaeformis (漏斗鸡油)。 花了我们一个半小时。下面是今天的收获。

这里有好多Craterellus tubaeformis



采完蘑菇又去买东西,回到家清理蘑菇,准备晚饭,一忙忙到6点多, 看看今晚吃什么:清蒸鳟鱼 (蒸



I couldn't agree with more, to collect wild mushroom might be the last outdoor activities for me to do, while I had admired the host's braveness, but I certainly will not gabmle with my life with something (fungs) might or might not be very toxic.
To take what might worth.
我只认识两种野蘑菇,就是图中的鸡油菌和漏斗鸡油,这两种蘑菇我们这里的大超市现在这个季节有卖的,很贵。 所以采蘑菇时就只采这两种。 其他的不管可不可以吃,我都不采。
同握同握.我也是才开始采的, 现在正在兴头上呢.
谢谢您的建议和提醒.前一段时间文学城里也讨论过少吃蘑菇的事情, 是因为重金属的原因.
在瑞典,我采的两种蘑菇(鸡油菌和漏斗鸡油)一般的大商店里都有卖的, 而且是由专门公司雇人去森林里采了拿到店里去卖的.现在一到周末, 森林的入口处都会有不少车子,很多人都去采蘑菇.也只有这段时间可以采得到可吃的蘑菇.不过我会记住您的建议,尽量少吃.谢谢.
Even if you know all the mushrooms, I would not encourage collecting them from the wild. One reason is that fungi are highly mutant, which means one strain could be quite differnet from others though they look the same. Imagine a strain obtains some toxin genes from other species? Also fungi are good obsorbants of heavy metals, which is why they were recommended to cultivate around the area after the nuclear disaster in Ukraine. The produce sold in super markets are quite safe as they were grown on saw chips. It is absolutely fun to go out and collect nature's givings, but we need to stay healthy from that.