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令人难忘的美丽声音 Radu Marian

(2013-10-26 13:52:10) 下一个

Radu Marian is a Romanian/Moldovan male soprano or sopranist.
Marian possesses a pure soprano voice in the range of C4 to C6, and he is considered an important singer in Baroque music. His repertoire incorporates cantatas written for soprano by composers like Handel, Bononcini, Carissimi, and Frescobaldi, and the repertoire of the old castrati. Marian has been called "the Baroque nightingale" by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
Marian is an "endocrinological castrato" or "natural castrato". A natural castrato is a singer who never went through puberty and so kept his "unbroken" voice intact.


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