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调不准琴弦(身体), 音乐(道)何以美妙 + Spiritual Path of Man and Woman

(2009-05-14 15:59:24) 下一个

释迦牟尼佛 年青刚出道的时候, 也曾象当时许多其他的僧者--习神修道之人一样, 如此专心一意深入于修炼, 甚至于置自己的血肉之躯于不顾。

因不吃不喝, 或缺吃短喝, 当然也变成了个皮包骨头, 不成人型的样子。

一天他正在树下, 打座禅修。觉得头昏目眩, 支撑不住的时候, 恰逢一小队女子, 唱着歌, 飘飘然, 从身边经过, 说唱道(忘了读到的文字了, 大意是):

没有那刚刚好, 调准的琴弦
岂能够, 让那无限美妙之道
在身上弹奏, 闪现

佛陀顿开茅塞, 开始进食如常, 过起了条理有序的生活, 结果, 当然象我们大家都很熟知的那样, 他开始办学传道, 弟子千千万万遍布各地, 传至数百千年。

很有智慧的女人们, 是吗?

女人大概更注重吃饭, 注重身体健康吧?

大部分的女人在家作饭, 但做得最好, 最有名的却是男人(从名厨, 名菜, 到各个大餐厅看家的大师傅), 我父亲经常冷不丁地提醒提醒, 指出指出这种不争的事实 (还有: 女人大部分会/能做衣服, 但师级的名裁缝, 也都是男的) 。

印度舞一般也都是女人们在跳, 男人打鼓, 伴奏, 但偶尔也看到男人跳, 跳得还相当不错, 相当有特色的。


这里有谈到, 不仅在身体上, 即使纯粹地在精神上男女也是不同的, 各有其特点, 特色(如果真是完全变成了只有颜色的 "光人" 的话), 和秉性。


“The forms of… spirits include male ones and female ones,” wrote apostle Philip (The Gospel of Philip, 61).

However, in the next incarnation, the sex of the body may be different. What does it depend on? It depends on what qualities the soul has to develop or suppress in itself. Some qualities are easier to develop possessing a male body, others — a female body.


This is why men — with their high level of androgens — usually live more intensively than women, striving to explore unknown realms, to study the unknown, to fight for their ideals, to dominate over the less vigorous part of society — women. And the fact that men are in majority in executive posts is not a wicked tradition, not an infringement of women’s rights, not an indication of “inferiority” of the latter, but a natural process of distribution of social roles depending on one’s capabilities in particular kinds of activity.

But neither the level of androgens nor sex has direct influence on the level of intellect.

A high level of androgens peculiar to male incarnation is auspicious for developing vigor, research activity in science, including the science about God. This defines a natural striving of a mature man to become a leader, to guide people, to help them, to sacrifice oneself for their sake.

A typical woman is the opposite of such a man. She — grown in this life under the influence of female hormones — seeks peace, harmony, coziness, beauty. She wants to calm down the man too. She does not like the agitated, indomitable, ever striving somewhere man: this can fascinate…, but it is hard to stay with him in harmony and calm…

And for him the woman is short of vigor; he wants to shake her up…

A mature woman is happy to give to men her harmony, tenderness, beauty, wanting to help by “ennobling” them, bringing closer to her ideal, sometimes by sacrificing herself… And mature and full-fledged men also are ready to lead women in order to teach them what they have learned… In this way, helping each other, teaching each other what he/she needs to learn, they can go together to the common Goal — to the Perfection.

Jesus said, addressing men:

“Respect her, uphold her. In acting thus you will win her love… and will find favor in the sight of God…

“In the same way, love your wives and respect them; for they will be mothers tomorrow, and each later on the ancestress of a race.

“Be lenient toward woman. Her love ennobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the brute in him, and makes of him a lamb.

“The wife and the mother are the inappreciable treasures given unto you by God. They are the fairest ornaments of existence, and of them shall be born all the inhabitants of the world.

“Even as God… separated the light from the darkness and the land from the waters, woman possesses the divine faculty of separating in a man good intentions from evil thoughts.

“Therefore I say to you, after God your best thoughts should belong to the women and the wives, woman being for you the temple wherein you will obtain the most easily perfect happiness. Imbue yourselves in this temple with moral strength. Here you will forget your sorrows and your failures, and you will recover the lost energy necessary to enable you to help your neighbor.

“Do not expose her to humiliation. In acting thus you will humiliate yourselves and lose the sentiment of love, without which nothing exists here below.

“Protect your wife, in order that she may protect you and all your family. All that you do for your wife, your mother, for a widow or another woman in distress, you will have done unto your God.” (The Life of Saint Issa, 12:13-21).


Note: 下面从 "The Gospel of Thomas" 里面摘来的部分, 而不是从正式圣经文本里来的, 说法就是有争议的了。

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