In 文化走廊, just experienced how a truthful Post & people's real words are deleted brutally.
It has been turning into A DeVil's killing 魔窟 indeed!
| • 含泪问班长: -伯丞- ♂ (75 bytes) (45 reads) 3/11/10
Above is only a portion of our conversation, which has happened to be left on my screen, which were appeared from a bit earlier before the screen was renewed, while the entire conversation was chopped off quickly and completely.
信口开河, 瞒上骗下;
掳ID, such as
hairycat's, perhaps there're even many more out there, that we may not even be aware of, at this very moment.)
It appears,
hairycat, 淑女司令, 红豆豆, are used alternatively here, right now, by perhaps Two women behind. They are unfitting of anything but destruction.
Here bellow are cited from some conversations recently, 以正(clear)视听, so we may learn how to identify this
'狼外婆' 式的人物 whether 在网上, 还是在生活中。
• 巴西强盗之二 -
二野- ♂
(5878 bytes) (182 reads) 3/11/10 • 哈哈哈这个好玩 -
红豆豆- ♀
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/11/10
一耍赖皮, 胡搅蛮缠的主
思维混乱, 精神颓废之辈
Wonder how they have got there in the first place?
Taking over this entire 文化走廊 专栏, before too much damages will be done again and again out of it.
For the Women who are operating it behind, who are possessed by devils heavily without much clear conscience, one day, when they weak up, they may feel thankful and grateful from their heart for being saved on this very day from going further down into their criminal acts.
May God Bless Us All!