


(2009-08-15 00:55:15) 下一个



Chapter 19


During the period of reorganizing the uprising army, Zhang Yunxuan and Director Yan stayed in a common thatched house, with two guards at the threshold.

The cottage was dark all the day, and there were always two candles on the table. One day, Zhang Yunxuan felt annoyed with the military leaders’ criticism campaign inside the uprising army, and protested openly to Director Yan.

Yan did not argue with Zhang, but mentioned that this was the Communists’ traditional method of work. Zhang felt sorry for that, and stayed in the cottage silently. He was very frustrated, and asked Yang Yongchun to fetch Weiqi (a traditional Chinese chess) for him. Then, Zhang played chess alone according to others’ previous experiences.

Zhang had just played for a while when he began to worry about his subordinates’ and even his own fate. He was not used to this kind of “brainwashing” campaign. In fact, he felt disgusted with it. He had planned to demobilize from the army, but his application had not been approved yet. Then, he felt something warm behind him. He turned around and found Yan standing there.

Yan gave a light smile, saying unexpectedly, “Good game! Think about where the next black piece should be put.”

Zhang asked in surprise, “Do you know how to play the game?”

Yan answered, “Something.”

Zhang wanted to test Yan’s ability in chess, saying, “I have played this game for tens of times. I know where the next piece should go. But if you are to play the white piece, where will you go next?”

Yan came closer, staring at the chess board and saying in a sophisticated way, “This chess game is really challenging. There are three important points in the game. If you besiege the rival from the top, you’ll lose territory, but if you get territory, you will lose the control of the overall situation. I don’t want to think too much about it. Why not play a game with me?”

Zhang was amazed at this word. He glanced at the Communist leader. He was powerful but looked like a farmer. He wore a common military uniform, and a pair of black shoes with white soles. He had a pen in his jacket pocket. His shirt had some black dirty stains on the collar, and he gave off a stinking smell. The only signs for his status were the Browning pistol at his waist and the pen in his jacket pocket.

Although Zhang and Yan stayed in the same house, they did not talk much with each other. At the time of reorganization, both of them had their own work to do. Yan sounded like the other Communist leaders, talking about the Communist policies all the day. From time to time Zhang stared at Yan working on the table, wondering why the Communists had defeated the Kuomintang… by means of these leaders? That was strange.

Now this Communist leader wanted to play chess with him. Zhang felt it funny. Could this man play chess? Zhang wanted to teach him a lesson by the game.

Then, Zhang shouted at Yang Yongchun, “Dear guard, please make tea for our superior. Don’t you see that Mr. Yan is going to play chess with me?”

Yang went away for tea. Yan sat opposite to Zhang at the table. Zhang got the black chess pieces.

“I think Commander Zhang should play the white pieces.” Yan said politely. Then, Yan began to play. Zhang found him play professionally. He did not look like a farmer, did he? He was a well-trained intellectual!

Since that day, Zhang and Yan had often chatted with each other. They talked about family first, then politics. They talked a lot about capitalism and Communism. They felt like bosom friends.

Nevertheless, this brotherhood could not stop the criticism campaign. The campaign got fiercer and fiercer. To Zhang’s surprise, even his brother-like subordinate Yang Yongchun got involved in the campaign under the influence of the “brainwashing.”

During the campaign, the old-times soldiers and officers had to reveal the evils within themselves. Yang often joined the exposures of evils. He seemed to feel proud of being a revolutionary soldier. He had a sense of belonging with the Communist troops. Sometimes when the Kuomintang army was criticized for exploiting the soldiers’ pay, he could not help shouting and waving to the soldiers and leaders present, “Long live the Communists! Long live Chairman Mao! Long live the People’s Republic of China!”

Maybe the fact that Zhang and Yan played chess and talked with each other a lot made Yang feel at home. Once, Yan had a diarrhea and could not get up. Yan’s guard was busy sending documents from company to company. So, Zhang asked Yang to take care of Yan. In time Yang and Yan became good friends.

One night, the uprising Kuomintang soldiers and officers sat on their beds, complaining about their past mistreatment. A few soldiers’ complaints drew a fit of applause. Yang heard someone call him. He looked here and there and found Yan sit between the Kuomintang soldiers. The others were amused at Yang’s gaze.

Yan asked, “Dear Comrade Yang, do you have anything to complain about?”

“Me? I have no complaint. Zhang is the acting commander, and we are sworn brothers. Should I complain about him?”

At this time Colonel Liu Lijing remarked, “I think you son of turtle dare not complain.”

Another man added, “Big me, I do not believe you son of turtle have nothing to complain about, now that you’re over 50.”

Yang answered, “I can’t lie.”

Then, the barracks got excited. Yan motioned to the others to calm down. Then he said to Yang, “I think you have something to complain about. That is class conflict. You mentioned your wife’s affairs. Don’t you think that’s a case of the landlord oppressing the poor?”

Yang felt awkward, saying, “Director Yan, that’s my private affair. Why did you tell it to the others?”

Yan asked, “Why can’t you tell us about it?”

Yang got nervous, replying, “True, I can’t tell it in public. Director Yan, please have mercy on me!”

Yan persuaded him, “This is the new society. The army belongs to the Communists. Now the poor are the masters of the country. Please feel assured that it is nothing wrong to fight against the landlords! Just tell us about your bitterness, and we can comment on it. Ok?”

The others persuaded Yang to tell the affair. Someone said, “Fuck! Why not tell us about it frankly?”

Secretary Cao asked Yang to sit down in the front, and someone else got a cup of tea for Yang. However, Yang still kept silent.

Colonel Liu Lijing shouted in the distance, “Give him son of turtle a towl. Then he can wipe the tears off his face while telling the story.”

An officer gave Yang a piece of toilet paper. That made the people present laugh loudly. Yang was not used to sitting in the front. He got down from the high place. Yan motioned to him to stay on the platform. Then, Yang squatted on the platform and smoked the tobacco given to him by a soldier. He stroked his goatee, turning to Yan and remarking:

“Director Yan, I am telling the story at your request. If I cause any trouble, please forgive me.”

“OK.” Yan replied seriously.

Yang still felt uneasy. He turned to Secretary Cao, a short dark-skinned man with a whisker, saying, “Comrade Cao, please support me in this event.”

The man nodded and said, “No problem. Just tell us your story frankly.”

At this time, Comrade Gao added, “In fact, the Communists keep their promise. Mr. Yan is a provincial leader. How could he break his promise?”

Yang answered, “That’s true. Director Yan practices what he preaches.”

Comrade Li added, “Comrade Old Yang, can I address you in this way?”

Yang replied at once, “Ok. We can call each other comrade. I feel honored about that.”

Comrade Li said, “Your experiences are complex. Let’s come down to business.”

Yang had a sip of tea, and made a gesture happily, announcing, “Ok. I’ll tell my story.”

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