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Zongming Zhang

张宗銘 著

Translated by Tangjin Xiao

肖唐金 译



Chapter 11


Dai Min came to the gate of the Zhang’s courtyard with her sons. The charity acts were over. There was a flowers-decorated golden cross on top of the gate. It looked solemn. The cypresses before the gate were decorated as well, as if greeting Dai and her sons.

The gate was not closed but open. Dai and her sons went into the courtyard. The guard of the courtyard did not pick them out, saying, “The charity acts are over!”

Dai replied fearfully with her sons in her arms, “Uncle Xie, we are the relatives from Qingyan.”

The man was surprised that the woman should call herself and her sons the relatives of the Zhang family. Then, another man about 50 years old came. Uncle Xie said to him, “Dear Brother Yang, this woman says she is Zhang’s relative.”

Dai Min went on, “Uncle Xie, don’t you recognize me? We came here on the first day of the New Year years ago to celebrate Old Master Zhang’s birthday? And it’s you who opened the gate for us.”

Uncle Xie replied, “Let me ask Mr. Song to come here for help.”

Uncle Yang said to a maidservant, “Ask Mr. Song to come here.”

Soon, Mr. Song came. Dai said to her sons, “Call him Grandpa Song.”

Mr. Song wiped his glasses, and examined Dai. He was shocked, saying, “Aren’t you Dai Min?”

Dai nodded. Mr. Song went on, “Why are you so miserable?”

Dai answered with tears, “Mr. Song, my husband died a few months ago.”

Mr. Song knew it was not wise to ask any more questions. Then, he said to Uncle Yang, “This woman is the wife of Zhang Yunchang, Mr. Zhang Yunxuan’s cousin.” He rubbed his hands, and said to Uncle Yang as if asking for his opinion, “Shall we ask Mrs. Zhang for help?” At this time, Madame Wang came. Mr. Song motioned to her, “Madame Wang!”

Madame Wang found a crowd in the courtyard, and came up quickly. Dai Min remarked before Madame Wang recognized her, “Madame Wang!”

Madame Wang was taken aback with surprise, asking, “Are you Dai Min?”

Dai answered, “Yes.”

Madame Wang was shocked. Then she called in a fussy way, “Mrs. Zhang, come over, please!”

Zhang Zhong and Zhang Yong had met Mrs. Zhang before. She was noble and beautiful. She had a beauty superior to anything else in the kids’ minds.

Mrs. Zhang was named Tang Weiqi. She came with Zhang Yan her son. She saw the crowd and the ragged woman with two poor boys. The two boys hugged their mom tightly in defense of the cold wind.

Dai saw Mrs. Zhang. She knelt down with her sons and shouted sadly, “Dear sister-in-law, please help us!”

Zhang Yan was shocked at the call. What a sad and miserable call! Dai and her sons were dressed in rags and looked especially dirty. They trembled in the cold wind. And the two boys’ feet were exposed, and looked swollen.

Tang Weiqi recognized Dai and her sons. She heaved a long sigh, “Dear Lord!”

What a moving sigh! It brought warmth to Dai and her kids in the cold day. She gave Zhang Yan to Madame Wang. Then, with tears she bent herself down and helped Dai and her sons get up.

Tang Weiqi knew that ever since Old Master Zhang passed away in 1948, Zhang Yunchang and his wife and children had not come to her house. Even when Zhang Yuncahng came, it was Mr. Song who treated him to meals. Zhang Yan was young when he met Dai and her sons, and could not remember so many things. Why did Dai and her sons become beggars in two years?  Why did they change from wealth to poverty within such a short time? Tang wondered. What a miserable scene!

Then, the two boys found their aunt’s tears and heard her cry for the first time, “Dear Lord!”

Was this cry for pity or salvation? Was the cry a token of asking someone superior for help? The two boys wondered. Then, Tang Weiqi brought her son to meet the two boys. She urged her son while pointing at Zhang Zhong, “Call him elder cousin.”

Zhang Yan put his head into his mom’s arms fearfully. He had never met such dirty-looking boys before. Tang had to speak to Dai, “How old are they? I haven’t seen them for two years.”

Dai answered, “Zhang Zhong is 11, and Zhang Yong is 9.”

Tang shook her son, demanding, “Dear son, call him elder cousin.”

Zhang yan dared not look up. Zhang Yong felt itched in his armpit. He moved his right hand and there got a big black louse. He caught it between his fingers and squeezed it. Blood splashed out of it.


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