


(2009-04-25 04:12:48) 下一个






我是中国贵州作家张宗銘,我的系列长篇小说《女人土匪东洋狗》又名《女人和土匪》、《裸拜----传教士和他的女儿》又名《远山苍茫》、《孤儿与革命家》及英文版本《女人土匪东洋狗》、《传教士和他的女儿》… …用鲜活的人物形象,再现了中国社会三十年代起至文化大革命运动期间,毛泽东路线对地主、起义将领、基督教徒、兵匪、传教士、另类人群的残酷迫害与血腥……是当代中国独有的一部希望共产党人彻底放弃暴力、兴民主法治、进行反省的现实主义作品!




Outstanding Realist Works

文:曲 沐 教授

翻译:肖唐金 博士、教授


Translated by Dr. & Prof. XIAO Tangjin

张宗铭 先生的《女人、土匪、东洋狗》、《裸拜 — 传教士和他的女儿》、《孤儿与革命家》三部系列长篇小说,每一部小说看完后都使我非常震惊,使我的心灵为之震撼,心潮起伏,久久不能平静。书中描写的情景令人触目惊心,唏嘘萦怀,不由得想起南宋爱国诗人陆游的一句名诗: “ 位卑未敢忘忧国 ” ,我觉得张宗铭先生的系列长篇小说,正可以用这句诗来概括它的思想性。作者地位虽然不高,普普通通的老百姓,工人出身的作家,在他的系列小说里充满了忧国忧民的爱国情怀,使我非常感动,很了不起,深深地打动了我的心灵,震撼了我的灵魂。

I am amazed at Mr. Zongming Zhang ’ s three long novels in series, namely Women, Bandits and the Japanese Dog, The Missionary and his Daughter, and The Orphan and the Revolutionary. The writing techniques and plots employed in his literary creations are impressive, which remind me of a famous line by Lu You, a patriotic poet of the South Song Dynasty: One should never care less about his country though in an inferior position. I think this saying embodies the theme and ideal of Mr. Zhang ’ s works. Though Mr. Zhang is a common citizen, he devotes much love to his nation and people. It is here where his nobility lies and strikes me deep in the soul.

小说以多层次、广视角的建构方式,摄取共和国建国之初那段特定的历史时期,特定的社会环境下的急风暴雨式的土地改革运动,清匪反霸运动 …… 在这种历史背景下,作者热情地讴歌解放,憎恶暴力;鞭鞑丑恶,赞美爱情和友谊。对极左的人和事,刻画的淋漓尽致,入木三分。作者以极大的热忱,满怀坌涌着的热血情流,倾心关注着共和国的命运, “ 可以说,几乎没有哪位当代中国作家像张宗铭那样,如此地关注人类共同的灾难并对人的心理世界予以了如此深刻的洞察和揭示 ” (任海平)。小说映发着从未有过的对人性、人权、人格尊严的呼唤,对民主与法制的呼唤。小说所刻画的各个阶层的人物,都很成功,许多人物可悲可叹,可歌可泣。作者大声疾呼: “ 一个统一的中国比分裂的中国更好,一个和平的民族比兵燹横行的民族更好;能够享受平静安宁的民族比起在痛苦中呻吟的民族更伟大! ” 这是作者可贵的良知、博大的胸怀在作品中的展现,使人为之感动。

Through a variety of layers and perspectives the novels depict the events of torrential land reform and fierce bandit purging in the early years of the People ’ s Republic of China. The author gives much credit to liberation, shows apathy to vices, and lauds love and friendship. In particular, the depiction of the extreme leftists is vivid, specific and fascinating. As a realist, Mr. Zhang shows much concern about the fate of the young republic. It follows that “ very few contemporary Chinese writers have expressed their concern about the human shared disasters and described human psychology profoundly in a way Mr. Zongming Zhang has (Ren Haiping). ” The novels call for the readers ’ attention to humanity, human rights, and human dignity as well as democracy and law. In addition, they are successful in shaping the people of all ranks and files, many of whom are either deplorable or laudable. The writer cries his voice out, “ A unified China is better than a divided China; a peaceful nation is better than a belligerent one; a nation that enjoys peace and tranquility is better than one that is plagued with pains and sorrows. ” This reveals his great consciousness and vision, which strike me profusely.


The history and life of the early years of the republic are presented in an attractive way. In particular, the extreme leftists and their deeds described seem to have brought the past back to life. The land reform did benefit the poor, but there are some misdeeds involved in the process. The novels take Guizhou in the early 1950s as the setting, and give full expression to such a theme.

《女人、土匪、东洋狗》中的地主张云长,就被活活地打死;贫苦人家出身的布依族姑娘戴敏,被张云长摧残折磨后又被打成地主婆,母子无法生活下去,流落街头。我是山东人,山东的土改, 1945 年就开始了,那时强调 “ 耕者有其田 ” ,这是很好的。但到 1947 年就不同了,搞土改 “ 复查 ” 运动,上面派了工作组,培养骨干,重划阶级成分,凡是被划成地主富农的一律进行残酷斗争,无情打击。所以说土改运动,是应该反思的!

Zhang Yunchang, a landlord in the novel of Women, Bandits and the Japanese Dog, was beaten to death. His wife, Zhang Min, who came from a poor Buyi family, suffered accordingly, for she was stigmatized as Landlady, and she and her sons had to beg from street to street for a living. I am from Shandong Province of China. The land reform of Shandong started in 1945. At that time, it was stressed that farmers should have land. I agree to this motto. Yet, beginning in 1947, the land reform seemed to go in a wrong direction. Work teams were assigned to the countryside, reform leaders were cultivated, classes were re-categorized, and those who were classified into the category of landlords or rich farmers were severely tortured and persecuted. In this sense, the land reform is worth re-assessing.

《女人、土匪、东洋狗》是我国第一部土改反思的小说。书中有些描写,使人看了很难过,怵目惊心。比如写的洪湖赤卫队,我们过去都会唱那支歌,很优美,觉得那里的人一定都很好、很善良,可是小说揭示出来的却令人大吃一惊,原来洪湖赤卫队是这样残酷,灭绝人性。它将租出几亩地的农民都划成地主,不仅无情打击,而且在肉体上消灭他们。小说描写了赤卫队队员对地主家庭 “ 见老捆老,见小捆小,见男捆男,见女捆女。离湖边近的,将大大小小捆着的人,一个个地塞进草袋里去,在草袋口吊块石头,丢在湖水里。。。。。。睁大眼睛看着一个个蠕动的草袋,渐渐地沉入湖底!离岸远的地主,由约十人组成的小分队进去,不分青红皂白地将人都捆绑了,一阵乱捅乱打,就近挖个坑将尸体掩埋了 …… 惨不忍睹。

Women, Bandits and the Japanese Dog is China ’ s first novel that calls for the readers to re-evaluate the land reform. Some of the events as described are sorrowful and shocking. For instance, the Honghu Lake Guerilla used to be as good as it is praised in a Chinese song in my mind. Nevertheless, the novel shocks me by depicting the cruelty and ferocity of some of its members. The guerilla claimed those to be landlords who rented some pockets of land to the others, and persecuted them physically and even eradicated them. In the novel readers can read as follows: “ The old, the young, the male, and the female were tied and bagged with stones attached below. They were pushed to the side of the lake and drowned in the water. The guerilla members just stared at the wriggling straw bags struggling on and on in the water until they were unseen. The landlords who lived far off the lake were tied by brigades of guerilla and clubbed to death, and they were buried in holes on the spot. What a horror! ”

小说里的赤卫队队员刘礼靖认为,他最下不了手的,是对那些不谙世事的伢子和丫头。有个赤卫队员恶作剧地把一个没有必要捆绑的、还在牙牙学语的丫头交到了刘礼靖手上。在明晃晃的火把前,这个小丫头还笑着 “ 呵呵呵 ” 的与他说话。。。。。。这时,被捆绑着的丫头的母亲,不要命地从家中奔了出来,她跪在刘礼靖面前,求着他: “ 二娃子,把我的丫头还给我,就让她。。。。。。和我一起上路吧! ”

Mr. Liu Lijing, a guerilla member, was sympathetic to those boys and girls who were too young to understand things. Another guerilla member played a practical joke on Mr. Liu by tying a toddling girl and handing her over to him. Facing the bright torches, the little girl even greeted and spoke to him, though in broken words. At this time, her mother rushed out of her home fearlessly, and knelt down before him, pleading, “ Dear boy, just let her and me go west together! ”

刘礼靖望着这个头上挨了几棒的鲜血淋漓的女人,他叹了口气,对这女人说道: “ 赖三嫂,那你就先进这草袋里来吧,我把你的丫头,和你装在一个草袋里。 ” 。。。。。。刘礼靖在草袋口栓石头时,听见母亲对她的丫头说: “ 丫头乖乖,丫头乖乖,丫头和娘上路去了,上路去了。。。。。。 ” 伴随着 “ 扑咚 ” 的一声,小丫头也 “ 哇 ” 的一声,两母女就沉入洪湖中去了。。。。。。刘礼靖的心像刀扎一样的难受!他望着黑沉沉的夜空,发自良心的向天呼唤着: “ 老天呵,这是 ‘ 革 ’ 的啥子卵 ‘ 命 ’ 呵! ” 看到这里,令人潸然泪下 …… 刘礼靖就是在这样的惨裂环境中弑父杀兄,从这里背叛了革命的。

Liu cast a glance at the women whose head had been given heavy blows and was still bleeding, heaved a sigh, and replied, “ Madame Lai San, please enter the straw bag first, and I ’ ll tie you and your daughter in the same bag. ” While tying the straw bag with stones, Liu heard the mother speaking to the daughter, “ Dear baby, be cute, and go with me. Here we go! ” The bag with them inside plumped into the lake. He felt his heart being stabbed by a knife. Staring at the dark sky, he cried out his conscience, “ Damn, what a revolution it is! What a fucking revolution! ” The readers cannot help shedding their pitiful tears at this point. It is for such an experience that Liu killed his father and elder brother and betrayed the revolution.

另外,对于宗教,解放初期贵州施行的极左路线,也采取极端的做法。 张宗铭 先生的三部系列长篇小说,也可以说是中国第一部对宗教政策进行反思的作品。第一部《女人、土匪、东洋狗》里,起义将领张云轩的妻子唐维绮,是一个虔诚的基督徒,她执着、本分、美丽、善良,清查教会问题的公安干部就是容不得她,天天喊去交代问题 …… 她想:我有什么问题呢?有什么问题交代不清呢?后来实在忍受不下去了,她拒绝再到公安机关去交代问题!最后的死,也完全是被逼迫的。

As for religion, the then extreme leftists showed much apathy. Mr. Zongming Zhang ’ s novels give a re-assessment to the then religious policies. In Women, Bandits and the Japanese Dog, Tang Weiqi, the wife of the uprising general Mr. Zhang Yunxuan, was a devout Christian. She was kind, honest and helpful as well as beautiful. However, the public security workers just found fault with her and forced her to confess her crime again and again. She wondered what wrong she had done. She could not stand the torture and refused to go to the public security office for confession. Her death was a product of the then religious policies.

第二部《裸拜 — 传教士和他的女儿》写的更好。我很喜欢《裸拜 — 传教士和他的女儿》。它写英国传教士亨利去到双溪坪,双溪坪写的很美,那是一个淳朴的自然村寨,位于贵州、云南、广西三省交界处。对那里的民风、民情、民俗以及那里的自然风光写的十分出色,美极了。亨利和那里的百姓非常融洽,在那里娶妻生子,已经扎根在那里。可是解放后就是容不得他,非要驱逐他出境 …… 我看到这里,心情很压抑,为什么我们对这样一个诚实,善良、的英国传教士,我们也容不得呢!

The novel of The Missionary and his Daughter is a good work as well. It tells about Henry, a British missionary, who came to Shuangxiping, a beautiful village on the border of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi. The customs and landscape there were so attractive that Henry liked the village, villagers and life very much. He got married and had a daughter there. Nevertheless, after liberation he had to leave the village and China. I am sorry for this situation. Why couldn ’ t such an honest and kind British be allowed to live in that village?

第三部〈孤儿与革命家〉,写极左的路线一直延续到 “ 文化大革命运动 ” ,给国家和人民造成极大的损失。写 1957 年的 “ 反右斗争 ” , “ 诱敌深入 ” , “ 引蛇出洞 ”…… 将一批批热血的共产党人、民主人士、机关干部、院校师生。。。。。。划成了 “ 右派分子 ” ,当成了共和国的敌人。 1958 年大跃进,虚报、浮夸 …… 作家用墨不多,但都写的淋漓尽致。小说中有一句话:过去说是自然灾害,其实完全是人为的灾害,庄稼烂在地里不敢去收,后来搞成大饥饿。小说写的怵目惊心。

In The Orphan and the Revolutionary the extreme leftist movement was described. In 1957 the Anti-rightist Struggle, the Trick to the Enemy and the Dig-out of the Enemy resulted in the wronging of a number of righteous Communists, democratic people, officials, and college faculty and students. They were stigmatized as the rightists and treated as the enemies of the republic. In 1958 the Leap-forward Movement, Fictitious Report and Boast occurred. The author gives limited space to these events, which are, however, well depicted. As the novel mentions, the past is more a human disaster than a natural one. The crops in the fields were not harvested for sake of fear, which resulted in a famine. The events are indeed shocking.

接着就写到 “ 文化大革命 ” 。 “ 文化大革命 ” 更是极左路线的产物,小说用了一个词:无法无天。真是 “ 无法无天 ” ,祸国殃民!小说写了一次武斗,极其残酷,令人震惊。极左思想实际上就是一种专制思想,马克思说过:专制制度的原则 “ 总的说来就是轻视人,蔑视人,使人不成其为人。 ” (《马克思全集》卷一第 441 页)

Next the novel draws us to the Cultural Revolution, which is a product of the extreme leftist line. There is an expression in the novel: anarchy. Indeed, the scenes were so anarchy that the nation was wounded and hurt. A fight was depicted and the situation was horrifying. The leftist line is dictatorial, as Karl Marx stated, “ it shows contempt and scorn to people, and debases them. ” (Anthology of Karl Marx, P441)

所以, 张宗铭 先生的三部系列长篇小说,就其思想的成就来说,达到了空前未有的思想高度。鲁迅曾说: “ 中国文人,对于人生 —— 至少对于社会现象,向来就没有正视的勇气。 ” 又说: “ 有些聪明的士大夫,依然会从血泊里寻出闲适来。 ” 并认为那些道学先生: “ 死似的镇静 ” , “ 真是天大的本领。 ” 鲁迅最痛心的是中国人的麻木,对别人的痛苦无动于衷,对身受的压迫习以为常。然而, 张宗铭 先生则不然,他是一位具有良知的、敢于正视历史和现实的杰出的作家。所以他的系列小说,是我国第一部敢于正视历史,敢于正视现实,敢于进行反思的文学作品,其价值不可低估。

Mr. Zongming Zhang ’ s novels are great in terms of ides. Lu Xun once said, “ The Chinese men of letters show little courage in facing human life and at least social phenomenon. ” Lu Xun added, “ Some intelligent learned men seek leisure amid blood shedding, ” “ they are dead-like calm, ” “ they are great. ” He was sorry for the indifference shown by the Chinese to the others ’ pains and their own sufferings. Mr. Zhang is unlike what Lu Xun described. He is an outstanding writer who is public-minded and dares to look history and reality in the face. His works are worth studying praising.

张宗铭先生系列小说的艺术成就也是相当高的,我想可以用 “ 杰出的现实主义作品 ” 来概括它。 “ 现实主义 ” 我觉得不应该否定,用它来评价文学作品是恰当的。 1954 年对我国文学史上的现实主义进行过一次热烈的讨论,有人认为从〈诗经〉开始就有现实主义创作方法;也有人认为从〈金瓶梅〉开始才有了现实主义的创作方法。〈金瓶梅〉是明代的小说,就是说到明清资本主义萌芽出现之后才有了现实主义的文学特征。我认为应该说从〈诗经〉时起,就有了现实主义的文学特征,发展到明清时期这种创作方法就更自觉了。

The artistic achievement of Mr. Zhang ’ s novels is high, or rather “ outstanding realist. ” I deem realism as a suitable evaluation of literary works. In 1954 a heated discussion was launched in Chinese literary circles. Some people thought that the Chinese realism could be traced back to the ancient poetry classic Shi Jing, while the others maintained that the Chinese realism started in the novel of Jinpingmei, a Ming Dynasty novel. In the latter ’ s view the Chinese realism emerged after the advent of capitalism. I think it started in Shi Jing, and was developed in a better way in the Ming Dynasty.

张宗铭 先生的三部系列长篇小说,就鲜明地表现出这种传统的创作方法,表现出现实主义创作的很高的艺术成就。它有哪些艺术特点呢?我觉得第一个特点就是充分的真实性。小说写的事件,历史跨度很大,从建国初期(如果从富田事件和洪湖赤卫队算起就更早)一直写到 “ 文化大革命 ” 。写的事件、生活、人物都是很真实的。我们说的 “ 真实 ” ,与 “ 虚构 ” 并不矛盾。 “ 真实 ” 是指艺术的 “ 真实 ” ,艺术的 “ 真实 ” 不等于生活的 “ 真实 ” 。所谓真实性,是对虚假、虚伪、空虚、空洞而言。它的真实性,并不使人感到虚假、虚伪,也不感到空虚和空洞。对生活没有粉饰也没有夸大,就是原原本本地照着生活的原貌进行描写,并没有根据个人好恶过多地夸大什么缩小什么,过多地贬低什么歌颂什么。〈红楼梦〉中有句话,说明现实主义的创作特点: “ 其中悲欢离合,兴衰际遇,俱是按迹循踪,不敢稍加穿凿,至失其真。 ” 张宗铭 先生的系列小说基本上也是这样,他所写的人物、事件、情节,都是 “ 按迹循踪 ” ,按照生活的轨迹、遵循生活的逻辑,对其产生、发展、变化,严格按照生活的真实性、历史的真实性来描写,使人不发生不真实的感觉。不管第一部、第二部、第三部,都给人一种历史的真实感,在这种历史的真实性的前提下,作者将自己博大的情怀和良知,融会在小说中去,歌颂和平、歌颂友谊、歌颂爱情;在人物上,讴歌真诚、讴歌善良、讴歌正义、讴歌人性美,使人从历史的真实性当中得以极大的美的享受。

Mr. Zhang ’ s novels are a mirror of realism. Let me specify their realist features. The first feature is sufficient truth. The novels range a long period from the early years of the People ’ s Republic of China (even earlier, if the Futian Event and the Honghu Lake Guerilla are considered) to the Cultural Revolution. The events, life and characters are true historically. It should be noted that “ truth ” does not conflict with “ fiction ” . Truth is artistic and not equal to life truth. Truth is termed as opposed to fraud, hypocrisy, emptiness and hollowness. Truth does not appear false and hypocritical. It does not paint life nor boast it. Instead, it is a down-to-earth description of what life is, unguided by personal bias and hence impartial. In A Dream in a Red Mansion (Hongloumeng) realism is described as “ sketching ups and downs in life in the way it leaves traces so as not to lose its truth. ” Mr. Zhang ’ s works are just what this saying reveals. The characters, events and plots in his novels “ went in the way life left its traces. ” They reflect truth as is required by realism, showing a sense of life and historical truth. In presenting the history, the author devotes his conscience and bosom to what are involved. He lauds peace, friendship and love, and gives much credit to sincerity, kindness, justice and morality. Indeed, his works are full of a sense of beauty in terms of historical truth.

第二个特点是力求完整性。所谓 “ 完整性 ” ,就是使作品反映生活力求作到成为有机的艺术整体。一方

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