

(2009-04-05 22:03:22) 下一个

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) HomeStrology Profile

Aquarius Astrological Sign
Your sign
Although you are known as the rebel of the zodiac,"extremist" is really more apt. In other words, behind every JamesDean, there lies a Ronald Reagan. They are two of the more notableAquarians of this century, serving as the two extremes to which you cango. You love change for change's sake, are predictably unpredictablebut always a ray of hope to your friends and an all 'round regular guy.

Your Planet
Your ruling planet is Uranus, discovered in the midst of the Americanand French Revolutions and at the start of the Industrial Revolution.He is the sky god, so in his honor, perhaps you can paint a ceilingwith a sky and cloud image, or better yet, a map of the heavens.Astrology belongs to his domain, so zodiacal designs, suns, moons andstars, or even your own personal horoscope, belong on your walls. Aroof garden, a widow's walk or a refinished attic -- anything that getsyou closer to the skies is the way to go.
Your element
Air is your element, and that's where you live: up in theair. Balconies are for you, as are big picture windows, grand unblockedviews (especially of the horizon) and lofts. All you need is a greatbig open room with no windows or door to get in the way.
Your color
If lightning had a color, it would be yours, but we can onlycome close by saying stark white. It's not unusual, in fact, to seewhite on white in the home of the Aquarius. Think of black-and-whitephotos in white picture frames on white walls, white sofa on a whiterug. If you have wood floors, they probably have a pearl gray or abeached white tone. Electric blue and chrome finishes are often givento your sign as well. If "clear" was a color, it, too, would be yours.
Your style
Eclectic, individual and unique, your style knows no bounds.Who else can put a Tizio lamp on a Shaker desk? Or a Queen Anne sofa infront of the family entertainment system? Whether it's an antiquefour-poster bed with frilly ruffles or and lacy skirts, or a water bedfrom the '70s, you have your own quirky style.
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