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(2009-03-11 12:20:24) 下一个
来源: ddsms06-02-26 21:51:32 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

回答: 原来在国内做的一颗烤瓷牙牙龈发炎12275858756456562006-02-24 17:52:51

Check out with a general dentist first to see if gum or tooth problem.

Gum problem: deep clean, Arrestin (a med to help with the deep pocket), mouth wash, etc will be fine.

Tooth problem: retreat or extraction.

Retreatment of the root canal: you need to see an endodontist since most general dentists don't want to do it. The profit:time is too low ;-)

Extraction: I would recommend to get an implant in the same time, otherwise, get some bone grafts at least with the extraction appointment. This way you will most likely have good bone for implants later on if you wanted to...

Every single dentist has very different fee schedule, so you have to find out with your own.
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