

(2013-04-12 09:44:49) 下一个

看了新洲理工留学生被劫杀的消息,很难过。这让我想起N年前LG的一次被抢劫的遭遇。感谢上苍,他完好无损的回来了。那年我们两个还在上学。 黄昏时分,开车到一小时以外的同学家去过聖旦节。因为迷路了,就开到Macy's的parking lot去问路。停车场到处都趴满了车,好不容易找到一地方停车。LG下车,我和女儿在车里等他。几分钟后他回来了,脸色苍白,看上去浑身无力的样子,手里拿着翻开的钱包。我赶紧问,“怎么了?”他则小声说,“快走!”。上了车,关上门,他说刚才问路时,被打劫了。原来他下车后,看到几步以外的一小型货车驾驶室里坐两个白人妇女,就上前问路。没想到,其中一女人拔出手枪对着他让他拿出钱来。幸好当时LG身上有一百多块钱,就都给了她们。 而且,他当时很冷静,听话,把身上所有能找到的钱都给了她们,所以捡了条命回来。在开车去同学家的路上,LG还感慨,嫌自己钱带少了,说那两个女人看上去像是很穷的样子。


What Everyone Should Know About Being Robbed:

#1: Money Can Be Replaced

Never try to keep your money. Money can be replaced. If you are faced with being robbed, hand over the money and thank God you're safe. Money isn't worth losing your life over. Also, an employer will not fire you for giving up the money. A good employer would want you to give the money up and be safe.

#2: Give Robbers What They Want

Give robbers exactly what they want. If they ask for all the money in the register and ten boxes of Marlboro Lights, give it to them. Nothing on this earth is worth more than your life, but robbers may be willing to kill you if you don't give them what they want.

#3: Remain Calm

While being robbed may be one of the scariest things you will ever face, it's important to remain calm. Do what the robbers ask and get the ordeal over with as quickly as possible. When they're gone you can break down.

#4: Don't Hold Anything Back

Don't give robbers your purse, while trying to hide money in your pocket. Give them everything. This will be hard to do, especially if this is money that you worked hard for. To hand your money over to a deadbeat who can't get a real job seems unfair, but it may save your life.

#5: Don't Be a Hero

The worst thing you can do while being robbed is to try and be hero. Trying to attack the robber may end badly. People have been shot trying to protect their assets and it's just not worth it. Keep your temper under control, while keeping in mind that money can be replaced and you can't.

#6: Make a Mental Note of Their Appearance

While these are images that you will probably remember for the rest of your life, it's very important to remember as much as you can about the robber. This information will come in handy when giving your report to the police. They will want to know the clothing they were wearing, their shoes, facial appearance, scars, tattoos, hair color, eye color, and anything else that would make this person stand out.

#7: Don't Make Sudden Movements

When being robbed, move at a normal pace. Moving too slow will aggravate robbers, while moving too quickly will make robbers think you are trying to alert the police or get someone's attention. Move as normally as possible.

#8: Don't Show Fear

Yes, being robbed is terrifying, but you must not show this fear. Showing fear to a robber may only make things worse. If the robber senses fear they may make even more requests. Give them the money and get them out of your face as quickly as you can and then show fear.

#9: Don't Be Afraid to Break Down

There is nothing wrong with breaking down after being robbed. This is a normal reaction, especially if weapons were involved. Your vital signs will be through the roof as well. Your blood pressure will soar as will your heart rate. Crying will help to release this built up tension and slowly bring your vital signs back to a normal range.

#10: Worry About Calling the Cops After the Robbery

While you're being robbed, don't try to alert the cops, even if you work at a place that has a convenient button for notifying the police. Robbers will notice any suspicious behavior and will not like it. The important thing is to get out of the robbery safely. Once the robbery is over, call the cops immediately.


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