
US accused spies from China/Russia infiltrated Us Elect

(2009-04-09 10:01:32) 下一个
Wall Street Journal: Cyberspies Infiltrated Us Electrical Grid

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Electric towerA U.S. newspaper is reporting that spies using the Internet have infiltrated control systems of the U.S. electrical supply network andplanted computer programs that could be used to disrupt electricityservice.

The report in The Wall Street Journal cites currentand former national security officials as saying the spies are from China, Russia and other countries.

It says a senior intelligence official said the Chinese and Russians have attempted to map U.S. infrastructure.

Thereport says a senior intelligence official says the computer softwaretools left behind could be used to destroy infrastructure components,and officials are concerned the programs would be used in times of waror crisis. The report says officials say water, sewage and otherinfrastructure systems were also at risk.

But it saysofficials do not believe there is an immediate danger. The report saysRussian and Chinese officials have denied any involvement incyberspying.

A Pentagon official said Tuesdaythe Defense Department has spent $100 million in the past six monthsresponding to cyber attacks.

In testimony to Congress lastmonth, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair warned of a growingthreat to cyberspace as terrorists expand their use of tactics andtechniques. He said the U.S. has to keep strengthening its cyberdefenses.

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