
The Secret reading 6 - two emotions

(2010-09-26 16:09:33) 下一个

The emotions are this incredible gift that we have. To let us know what we’re attracting. There are only two emotions from our perspective. One feels good and one feels bad. You call them all sorts of different things, but essentially all of those negative emotions, whether you call it guilt, or anger, or frustration, all feel much the same. They do not feel good. And all of those, our guidance saying, that what you’re thinking about right now is not in line with what you are really wanting.
On another level, it’s called “bad frequency”, or “bad vibes” or whatever you wanna call it.

The one that feels good, that feeling of hope or happiness, or love, that happy feeling, that positive emotion is guidance saying that what you’re thinking right now is in alignment with what you’re wanting.

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