If Obama says the sky was blue, his opposition would say no
(1/) 2020-06-14 09:10:10
“No offense, I feel that I am entitled, and we can do better”
(0/) 2020-06-13 10:51:38
Jane Elliott: privilege, eye color experiment
(0/) 2020-06-11 12:29:20
(0/) 2020-06-08 22:29:05
Second amendment and first amendment
(0/) 2020-06-07 07:06:21
(0/) 2020-06-06 17:34:27
(0/) 2020-06-06 11:26:23
(0/) 2020-06-06 10:16:02
ZT Arnold Schwarzenegger, America needs do better
(0/) 2020-06-04 16:12:09
How many of us teach our kids to say “yes, sir, yes ma’am”
(0/) 2020-06-03 09:19:25
Know your rights , articulate your right and defend your rights
(0/) 2020-06-02 00:03:34