
She got her first B in her transcript and she is grateful . So

(2017-05-20 12:45:05) 下一个

 I received this text message yesterday afternoon from my college freshman,  "I got a B in Chemistry. Not spectacular. But it's not a B- or a C and for that I am grateful".

That was a relief. She had been working her tail off on her Chemistry in the entire semester.   The result is  better than she anticipated.

This was her first B in her transcript. She accepted it gracefully and with no regrets that she could do better.

Shortly after she got her final high school transcript last year, she told us that that would be the last transcript with all perfect As. Now, it became a reality, a reality she gladly accept.


Harder subjects will come and more B's will come as well.  A solid attitude can overcome and will overcome.




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